Content Overview - woven-planet/opensafety-mbse GitHub Wiki
Here is a guide to the content for our initial open source release.
At the top level we have the Vehicle Guidance domain
This domain is composed of a set of connected subsystems. Each of these subsystems at the same level of abstraction, but covers different aspects of the driving environment. So far only two subsystems are available with more to be released in the coming weeks and months. As some of these subsystems increase in size we may refactor them for easier management.
Released Subsystems
Road Subsystem
This subsystem focuses on fundamental aspects of the road such as lane structure, lane types, legal traffic flow patterns and, most importantly, the definition of the term 'road' itself.
It consists of a single class model consisting of a diagram and a set of associated model descriptions.
Ego Subsystem
When the Ego Vehicle performs a high level maneuver, such as a lane change or an intersection approach (or even both simultaneously) it develops relationships with key elements in the immediate driving environment. In the case of a lane change, these elements are defined in the Road Subsystem above. These relationships persist until the maneuver completes in success or failure. Those relationships and their behavior is modeled here.
This subsystem is also defined by a class model. Two of the relationships in this model have dynamic behavior. This behavior of each is captured in its own lifecycle state model:
Driving Lane Change state model
Multi Lane Maneuver state model
Class Collaboration Diagram
To make it easier to see how the two state models communicate with one another as well as with entities external to the Vehicle Guidance Domain, a Class Collaboration Diagram is provided. This diagram does not add any additional model content, but it provides a nice overview of intercommunication.
Sequence Diagram
Modeled, soon to be released subsystems
- Angular Intersection
- Circular Intersection
- Lane Re-configuration
- Crosswalk
- Ego Subsystem with signalized intersection traversal
Subsystems and features planned, but not yet modeled
- Freeway
- Weather
- Zones (speed limits, keep clear, train crossing, etc)
- Lane restrictions (commuter and other special purpose lanes)
- A lot of other stuff that we may or may not have considered