:Users:leonstarr:SDEV:TRI:Github3:mbse.wiki:Monitored Signalized Angular Intersection Entrance Lane.md - woven-planet/opensafety-mbse GitHub Wiki
This type of Lane is designed to facilitate turns off of a city street across oncoming traffic with as little disruption to the main flow as possible. These will always be turns toward the inside of the Road Segment. That’s left with right handed traffic and right with left handed traffic. In the USA these are often called “center left turn lanes”.
When turning off of a street, vehicles can queue into the Center Turn Lane, wait for oncoming traffic to pass and then complete the turn. This may be a full left turn or, if not specifically prohibited, a u-turn.
Center Turn Lanes are commonly used to enter a city street. For this usage, a vehicle enters the street, crosses the opposing traffic Conduit first, waits for a gap and then enters the Forward Paired Conduit.
Center Turn Lanes are often marked with turn arrows to indicate where a turn outlet (such as a parking lot entrance) is available. But do not confuse these with dedicated turn lanes. A dedicated turn lane belongs to a specific Conduit. Since traffic can flow in both directions in a Center Turn Lane, there is no Conduit. The turn arrows in a Center Turn Lane are purely advisory. Traffic is always allowed to flow both ways in a Center Turn Lane.
- Inside division + Outside division + Road segment
- Flow separator + Road segment
is unique for any kind of Lane
indicates that Flow Separators are numbered uniquely within each Road Segment
(No non-referential attributes)