v8.2.0 ‐ Release testing instructions - woocommerce/woocommerce-gateway-stripe GitHub Wiki

Bank statement descriptor is set as expected

Cards + Full bank statement descriptor

  1. Go to the Stripe settings page > Settings tab at siteurl/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=checkout&section=stripe&panel=settings
  2. Disable Add customer order number to the bank statement and save
  3. Confirm there are no errors in the browser console or PHP logs
  4. Check out with a card using the Legacy experience (instructions on how to toggle the Legacy / Updated experiences)
  5. Check out with a card using the Updated experience
  6. Go to the Stripe dashboard https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/payments
  7. Open the payment details for the last two purchases
  8. Scroll down to "Payment details"
  9. Confirm that the value for "Statement descriptor" matches the preview Stripe settings page > Settings tab > Customer bank statement > Preview

Cards + Short bank statement descriptor

  1. Go to the Stripe settings page > Settings tab at siteurl/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=checkout&section=stripe&panel=settings
  2. Enable Add customer order number to the bank statement and save
  3. Confirm there are no errors in the browser console or PHP logs
  4. Check out with a card using the Legacy experience
  5. Check out with a card using the Updated experience
  6. Go to the Stripe dashboard https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/payments
  7. Open the payment details for the last two purchases
  8. Scroll down to "Payment details"
  9. Confirm that the value for "Statement descriptor" matches the preview Stripe settings page > Settings tab > Customer bank statement > Preview