Commands & ConVars - woisalreadytaken/RandomAttributes GitHub Wiki


  • sm_ra_refreshattributes - Refreshes the attributes config.
  • sm_ra_refreshsettings - Refreshes the gamemode/map settings config.
  • sm_ra_refresh - Refreshes both of the configs mentioned above.


This plugin works with custom gamemodes and some convars are modified and locked to certain values on a map-type basis by default to reflect on that, check the settings config in case you want to modify or add more maps/gamemodes!

  • sm_ra_enabled (1) - Is Random Attributes enabled?
  • sm_ra_amount (8) - Amount of random attributes to roll per weapon
  • sm_ra_amountupdate (0) - Should attributes be rerolled the moment sm_ra_amount is changed?
  • sm_ra_rerolldeath (1, locked by settings config by default!) - Should attributes be rerolled when a player dies?
    • 0: No, only roll once per round
    • 1: Yes, excluding suicides
    • 2: Always
  • sm_ra_rerollslot (0, locked by settings config by default!) - Should attributes be rerolled when a weapon in a slot is changed?
    • Optional setting meant for gamemodes that give you weapons mid-round and you don't want players to be stuck with the same attributes
    • Note: if sm_ra_rerolldeath is set to 0, this setting will still work if players choose to switch weapons (or are forced to, such as in the Randomizer gamemode)!
  • sm_ra_activeonly (0) - Forces the 'provide on active' attribute onto weapons, making (or at least trying its best to make) passive effects only work when a weapon with them is active