ReleaseManagement - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki
This document describes release workflow on TT-WISMD projects and deliverables
The following are required to build and validate the content.
WCMP versioning implements the semver approach.
New Release
When a new release of WCMP is ready, perform the following steps:
- if the release is a PATCH release (i.e. 1.3.1, 1.3.2, etc.), then branch off the STABLE branch (i.e. 1.3)
git checkout 1.3 && git checkout -b new-release-x.y.z
- if the release is a MINOR or MAJOR release (i.e. 1.4.0, 2.0.0, etc.), then branch off the MASTER branch
git checkout master && git checkout -b new-release-x.y.z
WCMP document
TBD/None for now
cd kpi
- update
:version: x.y.z
:date: YYYY-MM-DD
- ensure links are valid with
find . -name "???.adoc" -exec asciidoc-link-check -p -c ./asciidoc-link-check-config.json {} \;
- build PDF with
asciidoctor --trace -r asciidoctor-pdf --trace -b pdf -o wcmp-kpi-x.y.z.pdf index.adoc
TBD/None for now
Final steps
- commit changes accordingly (
git commit -m 'update to release version x.y.z' && git push origin new-release-x.y.z
) - open a GitHub pull request for review/comment/merge by @wmo-im/tt-wismd
- create a release tag (
git tag -a x.y.z -m 'tagging release x.y.z' && git push --tags
) - the release is now tagged at
- Send outputs to WMO via email
- if the release is a minor or major release, then create a STABLE branch:
git checkout -b x.y && git push origin x.y