Meeting 2024 09 17 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki


Monday 17 September 2024 11h30 - 13h UTC


MS Teams



Name Affiliation/Country GitHub handle Attendance
Tom KRALIDIS (Chair) Canada @tomkralidis X
Guillaume AUBERT EUMETSAT @gaubert X
Lara FERRIGHI Norway @ferrighi X
Masato FUJIMOTO (observing member) Japan @masato-f29 X
Sylvain GRELLET France @sgrellet X
Xinqiang HAN China @Amienshxq
Vera KORBULAKOVA Russian Federation @VeraKorbulakova X
Steve OLSON USA @solson-nws X
Ján OSUSKY HMEI @josusky X
David PODEUR France @davidpodeur X
Julia SIELAND Germany @jsieland X
Yutaro TONOOKA Japan YutaroJMA X
Anna MILAN WMO Secretariat @amilan17 X


Name Affiliation/Country GitHub handle Attendance



Tom welcomed the team to the meeting. He introduced the agenda and asked if anyone wanted to add anything. He then welcomed the new members to the team and invited them to briefly introduce themselves.

Tom presented the Task Team Terms of Reference. He noted in particular, that the new standards for WIS2 are a clean break from the WIS 1 standards, the software packages available to support these standards, the importance of quality assessment of metadata content, the importance of developing best practices for transition, and implementation and the need to create a task team to investigate and analyze the metadata standards for harmonization. Guillaume requested more details on the WIS2 Notification and Alerting Messages. Sylvain was wondering if there was a conceptual model or UML of the standards to understand them more quickly. Anna noted that there are links to all of the relevant repositories on the TT-WISMD homepage on GitHub.

All attendees had an opportunity to describe their current activities in producing WIS2 metadata in their organizations.

As part of the WMO Secretariat updates, Anna noted that there are amendments to the WIS2 Guide and the WIS2 Manual (WTH and WNM) that are currently available for National Focal Point review until mid-October. They are available from the WMO community website: FT2024-2-1060-vol-II.pdf and FT2024-2-1061-vol-II.pdf.

Tom briefly described the working arrangements in GitHub noting that all changes/requests need to be captured in GitHub issues first and discussions need to be recorded in the issue comments until a decision is formed. Given that there are four different standards that this team is managing Tom proposed to hold two 90-minute meetings per month with roughly 45 minutes for each standard. The agendas will be announced before the meetings and this will allow team members to join or leave the meetings based on the predetermined agenda topics.

Lastly, the team reviewed the oustanding actions from previous meetings.

To close the meeting, Tom noted that they will schedule the next series of meetings and send out invitations. Finally, the team members were invited for a last comment.

Specific issues for the different specifications were not discussed.


  • ALL: Please reach out to Tom if you are interested in being on the task team for metadata harmonization
  • Tom: Add updating the codes registry to the Terms of Reference
  • Anna: create issue templates for amendment proposals
  • Tom: talk raise team concerns about validating leaf topics to the W2AT
  • Antje: open issue for "when to require metadata_id in the WNM" based on metrics

Next meetings

  • 2024-10-22 11-12h30 UTC
  • 2024-10-25 11-12h30 UTC
  • 2024-11-26 11-12h30 UTC
  • 2024-11-27 11-12h30 UTC
  • 2024-12-12 11-13h00 UTC