Meeting 2023 05 10 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki


Wednesday 10 May 2023 12h - 13h30 UTC


MS Teams


Name Agency GitHub handle Attendance
Mr Tom KRALIDIS (Lead) MSC @tomkralidis X
Mr Guillaume AUBERT EUMETSAT @gaubert
Mr Xinqiang HAN CMA @Amienshxq X
Ms Hanane KAMIL Météo Maroc @hananeKamil
Mr Ioannis MALLAS ECMWF tbd
Mr Steve OLSON NOAA @solson-nws
Mr Ján OSUSKY HMEI @josusky X
Mr David PODEUR MF @davidpodeur
Ms Antje SCHREMMER DWD @antje-s X
Ms Julia SEILAND DWD @jsieland X
Mr Kentaro TSUBOI JMA @ktsuboi-jma
Ms Anna MILAN WMO @amilan17 X
Mr Dave Berry WMO @david-i-berry

Agenda (DRAFT)


  • The team reviewed previous actions and decided to carry over open issues.
  • ACTION 1: @tt-wismd review Julie's PR The team discussed making sure that reviews are distributed across organizations/expertise of team.
  • The team discussed options for more frequent meetings due to the amount of work that needs to be prepared for INFCOM-3. Tom proposes every two weeks for 90 min. Team decided to try meeting every other Monday from 12-13:30 UTC starting on 22 May.
  • The team discussed the following issues:
    • Organize level 8+ sub-topics. Antje likes Option A. Tom summarized that there will be consistency at level 9, but within different disciplines, then there may different levels/words for the following topics TH. If the existing level 9 options are viable, the experts can propose another level 9. See meeting notes in the issue comment.
    • Sub-discipline scope and management: Team agrees with decisions. See notes in issue.
    • Guidance for undefined values: (Antje) providers can still publish to the parent topic hierachy and then update later after approval. Alternatively, providers can be allowed to begin publishing to the pre-approved new topic (assuming that it will get approved through FT).(Ian) allowance of additional sub-topics would support flexibility, but what happens when an official sub-topic gets added. (all) discussion around publishing data to a topic that is too broad; See notes in issue comments.
    • Versioning of TH: (Antje) said that the version of the payload is also important and should be in the TH also. (Jan) now we are talking about 3 versions. (all) discussion about implications of the version changes for pub/sub and GB validation. Team agreed to have a major.minor version, but Jan noted that you cannot "wildcard" part of a topic, e.g. major.* so it would need to be in a new topic. See notes in issue comments.


Next meeting
