Meeting 2022 12 16 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki


Friday 16 December 2022 13h - 14h30 UTC


MS Teams


  • Tom KRALIDIS (Lead)
  • Guillaume AUBERT
  • Julia SEILAND
  • Xinqiang HAN
  • Anna MILAN (WMO)



  • The team reviewed tasks from the last meeting
  • Tom explained the plans to move members from TT-Protocols to TT-WISMD
    • Tom provided an overview of the WIS2 Topic Hierarchy. (Anna) sub-categories will only be managed for 'core data' as defined by the data policy. sub-categories for 'recommended' data will not be managed (Xinqiang) asked a question about the repeatability and relationship to the dataset (Guillaume) asked a question about the relation with broker access (..?..)
    • Tom provided an overview of the WIS2 notification message. (Jan) it underwent significant changes over the development from simple JSON to GeoJSON (Guillaume) The GeoJSON makes it more complex. What is the use case? (Tom) GeoJSON supports the replay API to query older messages
  • Tom introduced the TT-NWPMD workshop in January (Julia will attend in person, Tom will attend remotely)
  • Tom provided a summary of the WIS2 pilot kick off meeting in December, in relation to metadata
  • Guillaume created an example for geostationary satellite and stressed the need to have good metadata guidance. He also suggested that WCMP2 should be more strict to facilitate machine CRUD. His questions and concerns are captured in the PR.
  • Tom reviewed the recent updates. Julia expressed concern that the addition of URLs and IDs to concepts makes the record less simple. Tom mentioned the importance of the support of research communities/ concepts, and that this request was from GCW
  • The Team discussed regular meeting slot/intervals given the addition of Topic Hierarchy and Notification Message to TT-WISMD
    • options
      • a. separate meetings for WCMP2 and Topic Hierarchy/Notification Message
      • b. single meeting (1 hour WCMP2, 1 hour Topic Hierarchy/Notification Message)
    • will do option b to start
    • every 2nd Wednesday of the month (unless rescheduled)


  • Open issue to define cardinality of topic hierarchy in WCMP2 and consider creating a dedicated property for this (move it out of concepts) DONE
  • Open issue to track decision on adding ids and URLs to concepts DONE
  • Tom will take a first pass on creating KPIs for WCMP2
  • Anna: research domain specific implementations of WCMP2, e.g. satellite, hydrology, climate....
  • Steve/Guillaume: add/update respective examples

Next meeting
