Meeting 2022 11 04 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki


Friday 04 November 2022 12h-13h30 UTC


MS Teams


  • Tom Kralidis
  • Xinqiang Han
  • Julia Sieland
  • Steve Olson
  • Anna Milan


  • Guillaume Aubert
  • Hanane Kamil
  • Jan Osuský



  • The team reviewed previous actions
  • Anna and Tom talked about the results from INFCOM. WIS2 was well received with a lot of interest in participating in the pilots. There was some feedback requesting that the metadata should contain quality control and methodology
  • Steve mentioned that there is an update to the OGC/WMO MOU in progress. There is an upcoming OGC sprint activity focused on API with a strong WIS2 influence
  • the team decided to close this PR but keep the branch as a reference for what was published for INFCOM-2 on the Community site
  • Tom talked about how we have requests from the community to transform from WCMP1.3 to WCMP2, but we don't want WIS2 to have the same records, e.g., one record for a bulletin. The WIS2 guide will have recommendations for granularity and there should be transition guidance. (Steve) could future WIS2 training sessions have an element focusing on best practices and transformations?
  • round table thoughts: (Julia) It would be good to have a clean break and do things right, but at least a crosswalk/mapping between WCMP1.3 and WCMP2 could be helpful. (Steve) Do we know if there is any connection with FGDC? (Tom) it would be good to share WCMP2 to the wider community, e.g., GEOSS, ESIP... (Xinqiang) there is a conflict in the WIS2 manaual on who can edit a record (Anna) there was an intervention at INFCOM-2 and it was addressed
  • (Anna) we should analyze the existing catalogue to find logical groupings of records
  • The team looked at a couple issues:


Next meeting
