Meeting 2022 04 26 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki


Tuesday 26 April 2022 12h UTC


MS Teams



  • Tom Kralidis
  • Guillaume Aubert
  • Steve Olson
  • Jan Osusky
  • Xinqiang Han

WMO Secretariat

  • Enrico Fucile
  • Xiaoxia Chen


  • Julia Sieland
  • Anna Milan


  • Repository updates (Tom)
  • Secretariat updates (Enrico)
  • WCMP2 document updates (Tom)
  • Clause 10 follow-up (Guillaume/all)


  • Repository updates (Tom)
  • Secretariat updates (Enrico)
    • No update
  • WCMP2 document updates (Tom)
    • The standard: OGC standard
    • Tom walks through the latest version
    • Using the Asciidoc
    • Discussion
      • (Guillaume) Tool is clear, but permissions are not clear enough.
      • (Enrico) It is good, we need to understand how it fits into the manual.
      • (Tom) Asciidoc: tool: will integrate Xinqiang and Guillaume's work
  • Clause 10 follow-up (Guillaume/all)
    • Update: no schema definition yet, to complete Distribution section including the documentation and schema by 13 May
    • Action: (Tom) to provide a demo on stoplight studio
    • Action: (Guillaume) to complete clause 10
    • (Enrico) It is helpful to share with David for GeoJSON schema development
    • (Tom) By 20 May, the draft for standards is ready for opening issues. And then we will add examples.


  • Tom
    • to integrate clause 8: extents (Xinqiang) and clause 10: distribution (Guillaume)
    • to provide a demo on Stoplight studio at the next meeting
    • to present the WIS2.0 architecture when it is ready from ET-W2AT
  • Guillaume: to complete clause 10 by 13 May

Next meeting
