Meeting 2022 04 08 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki


Friday 08 April 2022 13h UTC


MS Teams



  • Tom Kralidis
  • Steve Olson
  • Jan Osusky
  • Xinqiang Han
  • Guillaume Aubert
  • Julia Sieland

WMO Secretariat

  • Enrico Fucile
  • Anna Milan
  • Xiaoxia Chen
  • Maaike Limper


  • Status of WCMP 1.x support (Tom)
    • standard
    • pywcmp
  • GitHub repository workflow updates (Tom/Anna)
  • WCMP 2.0 core chapters review
  • WCMP 1.3 KPI dashboard discussion (Anna/Maaike)


  • Quick update
    • (Anna) The deadline for WCMP2.0 draft (included in Guide and Manual) be ready by end of July for the submission to INFCOM-II
    • (Anna) KPI will go to INFCOM-II info document
    • (Tom) discovery metadata will be core component in the WIS2 architecture. New WIS2 architecture will be walked through in the TT soon.
  • Status of WCMP 1.x support (Tom)
    • standard: will be deprecated. To keep it as it is now. So no more efforts on working it.
    • pywcmp: we should focus on part 1) to fix the bugs.
    • Decision: the team agrees that WCMP 1.* will be frozen.
  • GitHub repository workflow updates (Tom/Anna)
    • (Tom) Currently, there are several repositories, such as wcmp, wcmp codelist, wcmp2, wcmp2 codelist
    • (Anna) Use GitHub as team management. TT-WISMetadata repository is created including the projects board.
    • Decision: to have a centralized project board and to have projects working across the multiple repositories.
  • WCMP 2.0 core chapters review
    • clause 10: distribution (Guillaume)
      • Discussion
        • (Julia) also has the problem of the way to link the associations among different data formats
        • (Jan) how the proposal to make a relation between different data formats and services
        • (Steve) balance between discovery metadata and service.
        • (Tom) recommendation for portals> optional,for association to add the additional information
        • (Julia) gives the flexibility to add information, better to have recommendations on best practices, such as a link to the metadata set. Agrees that the flexibility, but sometimes have the problem that where to add the information.
        • (Jan) Pub/sub be optional session
        • (Enrico) how much is EUMETSAT be specific? To be developed by the programs (Satellite/NWP)
        • Action: Guillaume, Tom and Steve to discuss/make proposals on micro specificaion in the assocaiton objects to provide more information.
  • WCMP 1.3 KPI dashboard discussion (Anna/Maaike)
    • (Tom) frequency to run the KPI. (Maikke) Currently, it runs on a monthly basise. (Anna) To run quaterly in future, maybe.The implementation is stil under discussion. Demo dashboard will be presented too in INFCOM-II.
    • (Guillaume) any update on metada in suppporting the new data policy
    • (Jan) It is helpful to have the KPI dashboard to see what errors are.
    • (Anna) It is recommended to dive deeper to evaluate our current analysis.


  • Tom: to set up a meeting with Guillaume and Steve to discuss/make proposals on micro specificaion in the assocaiton objects to provide more information (15hUTC 12 April)

Next meeting
