Meeting 2021 09 07 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki

WMO ET-Metadata / Wikimedia Information Exchange


Tuesday 07 September 2021 12h UTC


MS Teams



  • Miguel Tremblay
  • Ha-Loan Phan
  • Pierre Choffet


  • Tom Kralidis
  • Guillaume Aubert
  • Ján Osusky
  • Julia Sieland
  • Steve Olson
  • Xinqiang Han


  • Jörg Klausen
  • Rainer Maerz
  • Juan Bianchi


  • Enrico Fucile
  • Hassan Haddouch
  • Anna Milan
  • David Berry
  • Xiaoxia Chen


  1. Round table
  2. ET-Metadata overview
  3. Wikimedia overview
  4. WIS 2.0 search pilot
  5. Wikimedia Canadian weather data project overview/demo (video)
    1. Architecture, onboarding requirements
  6. Wikimedia/WMO integration: how can we make WMO data/metadata more accessible to Wikimedia


  1. Round table
  • All participants make a brief introduction
  1. ET-Metadata overview
  • Tom presents the overview of ET-Metadata (TT-WISMD and TT-WIGOSMD) (presentation)
  1. Wikimedia overview
  1. WIS 2.0 search pilot
  1. Wikimedia Canadian weather data project overview/demo (video)
    1. Architecture, onboarding requirements
  2. Wikimedia/WMO integration: how can we make WMO data/metadata more accessible to Wikimedia
  • (Enrico) WIS2.0 is going to support the climate community for the long-time series of observations static data which is updated frequently and climate data will be a good feed to the Wikimedia system. The Secretariat will support the project.
  • (Hassan) Wikimedia with the web-based searches could be a good example for the WIS2.0 demonstration project
  • (David) a link back to the source data and the information of period is also important to be shown on Wikimedia pages
  • (Enrico) how Wikimedia deals with version control. (Miguel) There are pages containing the history changes with links.
  • (Jörg) Currently, WMO supports open license.
  • (Enrico) suggests focusing on the use case, to make a case from the user side, what advantage/benefits for publishing WMO data on Wikimedia.
  • (Guillaume) Data conversion needed? ? (Miguel/Pierre) Observations data need to be converted from xml to Jason (Commons), but not metadata. Links for reference: and
  • (Miguel) Monitoring tools for changes are available.
  • (Jörg) Source of the information of observations is suggested to be referenced to WMO (OSCAR or WIS/WIGOS catalog)
  • (Tom) we should be able to integrate WMO OSCAR/Surface stations into Wikimedia as an initial integration experiment/project


  • Tom to circulate the presentation to the group
  • to have a separate meeting with the same group to discuss the project plan with deliverables, timeline, and user benefits to demonstrate the integration between WMO metadata discovery and Wikimedia.
  • Miguel to write the request to Jörg for further information about the OSCAR

Next meeting
