Meeting 2021 05 07 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki


Friday 07 May 2021 11h UTC


MS Teams


  • Tom Kralidis (lead TT-WISMD, chair ET-Metadata)
  • Marta Gutierrez (ECMWF)
  • Ján Osuský (HMEI)
  • Julia Sieland (Germany)
  • Xinqiang Han (CMA)
  • Anna Milan (WMO)
  • Xiaoxia Chen (WMO)


  • Guillaume Aubert (EUMETSAT)
  • Hanane Kamil (Morocco)


  1. Previous meeting minutes and actions
  2. KPI scoring rubric update
  3. WCMP renewal
  4. WIS Guide cleanup
  5. issue sweep as time permits


  • Marta is leaving ECMWF in early May. The team thanks Marta for her excellent contributions to the Metadata standards to the team and WMO.
  • Reviewed previous actions: Issue 94
  1. Previous meeting minutes and actions

  2. KPI scoring rubric update

    • Jan proposed 5 groups (Mandatory/Editorial information/Content/Distribution information/Enhancement). The team agrees with the idea to group the KPI checks.
    • Anna suggests renaming from "Editorial" to "Content" and other changes include a) Move KPI-4 to Content Info; b) move KPI-9 to Distribution; C) move KPI-7 to Content
    • Decision: Jan to reorganize the groups from 5 to 4 and send the new groups category out to the team for comment.
  3. WCMP renewal

    • Tom mentions that WIS has been operational since 2012 and there are 7 principles in WIS2.0.
    • There are 3 proposals for WCMP renewal. The team doesn't agree with Proposal 1 - do nothing, and agrees that the team members provide the search/metadata standards in their own countries. Tom will open a ticket to have some examples on the portal and standards.
  4. WIS Guide cleanup

    • Decision: Anna to reach out to the WMO Secretariat publication
  5. issue sweep as time permits


  • ALL

    • to comment on the new grouping
    • to provide the search standards and metadata standards in their own countries
  • Tom

    • to open a ticket to assign to team members to provide the search standards and metadata standards in their own countries
  • Jan

    • to reorganize the groups and send it out to the group for feedback
  • Anna

    • to reach out to the WMO Secretariat publication for Manual on the WMO Information System Part V

Next meeting
