Meeting 2021 04 09 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki


Friday 09 April 2021 11h UTC


MS Teams


  • Tom Kralidis (lead TT-WISMD, chair ET-Metadata)
  • Ján Osuský (HMEI)
  • Guillaume Aubert (EUMETSAT)
  • Julia Sieland (Germany)
  • Xinqiang Han (CMA)
  • Anna Milan (WMO)
  • Xiaoxia Chen (WMO)


  1. Previous meeting minutes and actions
  2. pywcmp KPI implementation update and live demo
  3. Scoring rubric
  4. next versions of WIS Metadata/review of ISO 19115-3 and other metadata standards
  5. WIS Guide cleanup
  6. issue sweep as time permits


  1. Previous meeting minutes and actions

  2. pywcmp KPI implementation update and live demo

    • pywcmp KPI: Jan O. and Tom implemented all the rules for WCMP. They opened GitHub issues to address some issues found during this process. Jan gave a live demo. The output is JSON and there are various options, arguments and flags that can be specified, such as summary or running only a specific KPI, when validating. KPI-2 and KPI-3 include a custom dictionary that can be expanded to include specific terms that are deemed ok, such as 'GTS' or 'BUFR'. The program needs more testing! We still need to build out a test suite of sample XML files
  3. Scoring rubric

    • Scoring rubric: Guillaume presented on grouping the KPIs into logical categories and scoring percentages. When KPI 1 fails (for WCMP compliance) then the record will get 'non-graded' score, but all KPIs will still be scored. Right now, nothing is weighted, but perhaps more testing will provide insight. Weighting may be unnecessary
  4. next versions of WIS Metadata/review of ISO 19115-3 and other metadata standards

    • Discussion on next version of WCMP: Do we need ISO? XML?
      • (JO)The ISO XML (gmd/gml namespaces...) is overly complex. We should consider other formats.
      • (AM) we should have criteria for evolution, esp if we decide to move away from 19115-3.
      • (GA) currently, JSON is a defacto dialect. Other standards, such as OGC, DCAT, etc. should be evaluated. maybe keep XML for the migration. We should move away from XML because XML is not preferred in code development.
      • (TK) WIS2 should be more web-friendly. In the evaluation, we should also consider doing nothing and the implications. We should also look at the core metadata elements we are using and see if the other standards are supporting them. e.g. DCAT can support a mass market (..?..). An evaluation would require collaboration with ET-WIS2. This is a good time to consider other standards to lower the barrier. In WIS2, the browser is the search engine. The GISCs should be able to provide their metadata in a structured format. Decision: close 19115-3 issues and open a new issue to research standard evolution options.
      • (TK) we also need to consider migration tools, guides, etc. (AM) We should NOT consider writing a new standard. (GA) Perhaps we can even avoid creating a profile.
      • (JO) when we look at other standards, is there a simpler more straightforward way to represent information (e.g. data licenses)?
      • (TK) will need to network with multiple communities internal and external to WMO
      • (AM) we need to be aware of the timelines available for WMO endorsement.
      • (TK) OGC took a clean break with their old API approaches and it would be interesting to talk with them and their experiences.
  5. WIS Guide cleanup

    • Deferred to next meeting
  6. issue sweep as time permits

    • Deferred to next meeting


  • ALL

    • to test the tool with their metadata. Provide comments in Issue 94 and thoughts on weighting
    • to review the proposal in Issue 53 and leave comments
    • to think about more the next version of metadata, migration tool, and documentation
  • Tom

    • to close all the issues regarding 19115-3, and to open a ticket to help choose the next version of metadata, also need to think about the migration tool, documentation -- DONE
  • Julia

    • to provide the samples which work and don't work after testing the metadata by pywcmp

Next meeting
