Meeting 2021 03 19 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki


Friday 19 March 2021 12h UTC


MS Teams


  • Tom Kralidis (lead TT-WISMD, chair ET-Metadata)
  • Ján Osuský (HMEI)
  • Guillaume Aubert (EUMETSAT)
  • Julia Sieland (Germany)
  • Marta Gutierrez (ECMWF)
  • Xinqiang Han (CMA)
  • Enrico Fucile (WMO)
  • Anna Milan (WMO)
  • Xiaoxia Chen (WMO)

Agenda (Draft)

  1. Previous meeting minutes and actions
  2. KPI update
  3. Release Management
  4. pywcmp KPI implementation
  5. Scoring rubric
  6. next versions of WIS Metadata/review of ISO 19115-3
  7. determine if we should proceed with a WIS Guide editorial-only cleanup for FT2021-2. There are a lot of broken URLs and outdated references. (Anna)
  8. issue cleanup, if there is time.


  1. Previous meeting minutes and actions
  1. KPI update
  • Document of Key Performance Indicators for WIS Metadata (WCMP KPIs) has been completed and published. More information can be found here
  1. Release Management
  • Discussion: Tom introduces the workflow of versioning: e.g: a) make minor changes on master; b) applied the identical changes on the 1.3 branch; c) cut 1.3.2 from branch 1.3 as 1.3.2 tag (no touch on 1.3.1 tag)
  1. pywcmp KPI implementation
  • Discussion: Guillaume points that PyPI has not been published yet.
  • Actions: to ask each team member to submit some documents to demonstrate the KPI testability
  1. Scoring rubric
  • Discussion: Guillaume introduces the 3 ways for KPI, a) apply weight, b) distinguish between recommended and required rules, c)group them to a high-level report
  • Decision: to sort out the recommended and required rules in detail
  • Discussion: to add both a good xml and a bad xml for each rule in KPI to make it robust
  1. next versions of WIS Metadata/review of ISO 19115-3
  • Deferred to next meeting
  1. determine if we should proceed with a WIS Guide editorial-only cleanup for FT2021-2. There are a lot of broken URLs and outdated references. (Anna)
  1. issue cleanup, if there is time.
  • Deferred to next meeting


  • Guillaume
    • to sort the recommended and required in detail in the implementation plan proposal, and review the KPIs together with Marta
  • Tom
    • to schedule one date with Jan to tackle overall implementation progress on WCMP KPIs
    • to update the status regarding ACDD with Enrico
    • to publish PyPI
    • to create each section of chapter 5 of WMO-No.1061 by asciidoc
    • to sumbit xml documents to test KPI further with a readme file
    • to open a ticket to review on 1.3
  • Julia

Next meeting
