Meeting 2021 02 19 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki


Friday 19 February 2021 12h UTC


MS Teams


  • Tom Kralidis (lead TT-WISMD, chair ET-Metadata)
  • Ján Osuský (HMEI)
  • Julia Sieland (Germany)
  • Marta Gutierrez (ECMWF)
  • Xinqiang Han (CMA)
  • Enrico Fucile (WMO)
  • Anna Milan (WMO)
  • Xiaoxia Chen (WMO)


  1. Previous meeting minutes and actions
  2. full review of KPI implementation
  3. pywcmp KPI implementation
  4. Scoring rubric
  5. next versions of WIS Metadata/review of ISO 19115-3


The team approve the Minutes-TT-WISMD-7-2021-Feb-05, review actions of the previous meeting

  1. Previous meeting actions review
  • Action 1: (GA) KPI-E: Done
  • Action 2: (TK) Create A full review of [issue 69] ( Done
  • Action 3: (TK) KPI introduction for INFCOM part III (Inf document): Ongoing
  • Action 4: (TK) A discussion about ACDD with EF: Ongoing
  1. Full review of KPI implementation
  • Discussion: The team agrees to:
    • testing the XML examples in the document and re-validate as needed
    • Focusing more on the good quality of the document content itself at the current stage
    • Using AsciiDoc to manage the document
  1. pywcmp KPI implementation
  • Decision: Tom and Jan to prepare for implementation, Marta to test
  1. Scoring rubric
  • Deferred to next meeting
  1. next versions of WIS Metadata/review of ISO 19115-3
  • Deferred to next meeting


  • 1 March: Release first version of KPIs and post to WMO Community site


  • Jan
    • Check each XML snippet and re-validate. Remove 'context' lines like gmd:identificationInfo and ...
    • Prepare for KPI implementation in pywcmp
  • Marta
    • complete XPath validation
    • Use WMDR codes as an example in KPI-6
    • Test the implementation
  • Tom
    • Review the KPI document and ensure the language used in a consistent way (avoid using varied text, such as be presented, be shown, it is included, contains)
    • Replace the Links in the documents with footnotes
    • Provide a Word document draft of what we have now for review to Enrico: DONE
    • Submit the document (v1.0) in Word version to Secretariat by 2021-03-01
    • Discuss ACDD with Enrico
  • Anna
    • Draft KPI introduction as part of INF document for INFCOM-1 (Part 3) with Enrico and Tom, by 2021-02-26
    • Follow up on the document source, to check the Guidance on WIS Discovery Metadata ( is part of Guide on WIS
    • Open an issue about rules for implementation, providing examples and guidance -

Next meeting
