Meeting 2021 01 08 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki


Friday 08 January 2021 12h UTC


MS Teams


  • Tom Kralidis (lead TT-WISMD, chair ET-Metadata)

  • Guillaume Aubert (EUMETSAT)

  • Ján Osuský (HMEI)

  • Julia Sieland (Germany)

  • Marta Gutierrez (ECMWF)

  • Xinqiang Han (CMA)

  • Enrico Fucile (WMO)

  • Anna Milan (WMO)

  • Champika Gallage (WMO)

  • Tommaso Abrate (WMO)


  1. Previous meeting minutes and actions (5 minutes)
  2. KPI checklist review (remainder)
  3. Scoring rubric


The team discussed whether to deliver a draft or a final version of the KPIs for the WCMP guide to INFCOM part 3 (scheduled for the week of April 12, 2020) and discussed the KPIs listed in that are still in progress.

  • KPI-C, PR 72 – abstract
    • ACTION: TK to remove NOAA references (done)
    • ACTION: MG to cross-reference to make sure it doesn’t conflict with publication
  • KPI-E, temporal information
    • DECISION: leave out gml:description and continue moving forward separately regarding retention period
    • ACTION: JS to ask colleagues about at Offenbach about their GISC cache for a real use case
    • ACTION: GA to research original problem from Australia
    • ACTION: GA to update example of asNeeded/notPlanned and “now” use cases
  • KPI-F, essential data links
    • DECISION: don’t integrate protocol BPs; ready for PR
  • KPI-G, ongoing temporal extents
    • Remove for now (TK DONE)
  • KPI-H, keywords
    • Ready/merged
  • KPI-K, data policy combo
    • ACTION: MG to update anchor score to max of 3
  • KPI-L
    • not discussed/deferred to next meeting (out of time)
  • KPI-M
    • not discussed/deferred to next meeting (out of time)


  1. The team will deliver a draft of the KPI chapter for the WCMP Guide by mid-March 2021. This will be referenced in an Info Doc to the INFCOM in April. A final version of the KPI chapter will get published to the WCMP Guide in 2022
  2. Will not score or provide examples for the retention period in KPI-E. The team will address this through a separate issue
  3. Will not include best practices or codes for protocols for URLs. (e.g. KPI-F)
  4. Will not include KPI-G in the draft. It will get addressed when considering how to represent the retention period


  1. GA: open issue to determine how to validate codelist URLs
  2. TK: open issue on gmd:protocol and link types
  3. remaining KPI specific actions listed above

Next meeting
