Meeting 2020 12 14 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki


Wednesday 07 December 2020 12h UTC


MS Teams


  • Tom Kralidis (lead TT-WISMD, chair ET-Metadata)
  • Guillaume Aubert (EUMETSAT)
  • Ján Osuský (HMEI)
  • Julia Sieland (Germany)
  • Marta Gutierrez (ECMWF)
  • Xinqiang Han (CMA)
  • Anna Milan (WMO)


  1. Previous meeting minutes and actions (5 minutes)
  2. KPI checklist review (remainder)


  • reviewed action items
  • reviewed scoring architecture
  • KPI-A - approved
    • will determine during scoring phase how failure of this is addressed. It will need extra attention
  • KPI-B (title)
    • turn rule #1 into a positive statement
    • ACTION: TK to update text on first and last item, add a line for spell check, fix up score
  • KPI-C (abstract)
    • it is ok to have information about the bulletin header in the abstract, but don’t want to have what was automatically generated, because it’s not informational. (GA) used to have a way to flag
    • ACTION: TK to update “what is being measured” to align with “Rules for implementation”, add rule about bulletin templates
    • ACTION: GA to find examples of templates that will need to be flagged (Done)
  • KPI-D (station identifier)
    • defer to later iteration
  • KPI-E (Temporal extent)
    • still need to represent ongoing…
    • ACTION: GA remove duplicate XPaths (Done)
    • ACTION: GA add test for end time > begin time (Done)
  • KPI-F
    • don’t need to check if url is valid, just need to check that it is present
    • ACTION: MG to update rules
  • KPI-G (temp for bulletins)
    • purpose is to address the cache of data
    • this KPI might change to data retention on the GTS cache
    • KPI should be about retention of data being described
    • possibly use gml:description to articulate that data in the temporal range is available for x (e.g. 24) hours
    • ACTION: GA send an example of a bulletin (Done in the issue KPI E)
    • ACTION: AM help research
  • KPI-H
    • ACTION: MG to separate elements for each scoring and percentage of anchors
  • KPI-I – approved/done
  • KPI-J (link health)
    • ACTION: TK to update gmd:onlineResource to gmd:URL, add language the https validation confirms that the certificate is valid
  • KPI-K
    • ACTION: MG to remove codelist validity
    • ACTION: MG to remove compliance rules
  • KPI-L (distribution)
    • ACTION: TK to add distributor contact to XML example, fix codelist URL
  • KPI-M (codelists)
    • ACTION: AM to identify the correct URL for codelists
  • KPI-N
    • ACTION: TK to remove dereference



  • Xinqiang: add spell checking recommendations and options KPI (
  • Anna: provide normative ISO CodeList URLs for ISO and WMO
  • Marta: open issue to amend WCMP 1.3, Part 2, Requirement 9.3.2 to include Regional exchange, at which point we will remove specific mention in KPI K
  • remaining KPI specific actions listed above

Next meeting
