Meeting 2020 11 23 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki


Wednesday 23 November 2020 12h UTC


MS Teams

Normative meeting page


  • Tom Kralidis (lead TT-WISMD, chair ET-Metadata)
  • Guillaume Aubert (EUMETSAT)
  • Julia Sieland (Germany)
  • Marta Gutierrez (ECMWF)
  • Xinqiang Han (CMA)
  • Jörg Klausen (lead TT-WIGOSMD, vice-chair ET-Metadata)
  • Enrico Fucile (WMO)
  • Anna Milan (WMO)
  • Xiaoxia Chen (WMO)

Agenda (Draft)

  1. Official status of ToR
  2. WMO information resource overview (Anna M)
  3. Discussions (WMO adhoc Slack, GitHub discussions)
  4. Repository updates (renaming, codelists)
  5. KPI status/next steps
    1. checklist
    2. discuss
  6. Publish WIS codelists to


  • ToR: good for now
  • WMO GitHub overview provided by Anna
  • KPIs (Enrico)
    • submitting to INFCOM
      • option 1: propose amendment to the Guide (INFCOM, then Executive council)
        • need something ready by 16 December
      • option 2: add into an INFO document and submit by mid January 2021
        • need something ready by 16 mid-December
      • option 3: infom INFCOM that we are writing guidance and will produce a document for use in the WIS Guide in 2022
    • implementation checklist
      • 14 KPIs, varying level of completeness
      • work is needed to harmonize all KPIs
      • need an introduction (overview, who the KPIs are for, how they are to be used/implemented, reference implementation [pywcmp]). Added to
      • WIS 2 may change KPIs, but we still need to improve catalog holdings
      • reference implementation (pywcmp): will need KPIs in a usable state to start development
  • Team identified volunteers to work on each KPI


  • ToR: good for now
  • TT-WISMD will start to make changes via the WMO Repository Workflow Guidance once the KPIs are bootstrapped/hardened
  • option 3 chosen for communication to INFCOM (will contain resolution for the INFO document). We will produce a guide on KPIs, but not updating the WIS Guides directly. We need this by 20 January 2021


  • TT-WISMD team to work on assigned KPIs for 07 December 2020 meeting
  • Enrico to inform INFCOM on option 3

Next meeting
