Meeting 2020 11 23 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki
Wednesday 23 November 2020 12h UTC
MS Teams
Normative meeting page
- Tom Kralidis (lead TT-WISMD, chair ET-Metadata)
- Guillaume Aubert (EUMETSAT)
- Julia Sieland (Germany)
- Marta Gutierrez (ECMWF)
- Xinqiang Han (CMA)
- Jörg Klausen (lead TT-WIGOSMD, vice-chair ET-Metadata)
- Enrico Fucile (WMO)
- Anna Milan (WMO)
- Xiaoxia Chen (WMO)
Agenda (Draft)
- Official status of ToR
- WMO information resource overview (Anna M)
- Discussions (WMO adhoc Slack, GitHub discussions)
- Repository updates (renaming, codelists)
- KPI status/next steps
- Publish WIS codelists to
- ToR: good for now
- WMO GitHub overview provided by Anna
- KPIs (Enrico)
- submitting to INFCOM
- option 1: propose amendment to the Guide (INFCOM, then Executive council)
- need something ready by 16 December
- option 2: add into an INFO document and submit by mid January 2021
- need something ready by 16 mid-December
- option 3: infom INFCOM that we are writing guidance and will produce a document for use in the WIS Guide in 2022
- option 1: propose amendment to the Guide (INFCOM, then Executive council)
- implementation checklist
- 14 KPIs, varying level of completeness
- work is needed to harmonize all KPIs
- need an introduction (overview, who the KPIs are for, how they are to be used/implemented, reference implementation [pywcmp]). Added to
- WIS 2 may change KPIs, but we still need to improve catalog holdings
- reference implementation (pywcmp): will need KPIs in a usable state to start development
- submitting to INFCOM
- Team identified volunteers to work on each KPI
- ToR: good for now
- TT-WISMD will start to make changes via the WMO Repository Workflow Guidance once the KPIs are bootstrapped/hardened
- option 3 chosen for communication to INFCOM (will contain resolution for the INFO document). We will produce a guide on KPIs, but not updating the WIS Guides directly. We need this by 20 January 2021
- TT-WISMD team to work on assigned KPIs for 07 December 2020 meeting
- Enrico to inform INFCOM on option 3
Next meeting