Meeting 2020 11 04 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki


Wednesday 04 November 2020 13h UTC


MS Teams

Normative meeting page


  • Tom Kralidis (lead TT-WISMD, chair ET-Metadata)
  • Guillaume Aubert (EUMETSAT)
  • Ján Osuský (HMEI)
  • Hanane Kamil (Morocco)
  • Julia Sieland (Germany)
  • Marta Gutierrez (ECMWF)
  • Xinqiang Han (CMA)
  • Jörg Klausen (lead TT-WIGOSMD, vice-chair ET-Metadata)
  • Anna Milan (WMO)
  • Xiaoxia Chen (WMO)

Agenda (Draft)

  1. Introductions (20 minutes)
  2. TT-WISMD Terms of Reference (5 minutes)
  3. Workplan (20 minutes)
  4. Architecture of participation (10 minutes)
  5. AOB (5 minutes)


Tom presented an overview presentation based on the agenda.

It was noted that the KPIs are a high priority and are almost complete. We need to understand what the next steps are, will it just be code that is available for integration with tools or will the KPIs also be added to the manuals? What is the approval mechanism for these KPIs? (Fast Track?)



  • @tomkralidis will reach out to Enrico on KPI delivery timelines and details
  • @tomkralidis will reach out to Jeremy to discuss our interactions with WIS Architecture and Transition
  • @wmo-im/tt-wismd review WMO Core Metadata Profile if you are not already familiar with it
  • @wmo-im/tt-wismd familiarize with codelists if you are not already familiar with them
  • @wmo-im/tt-wismd review all KPIs and the associated KPI branches

Next meeting

2020-11-23 12h - 13h UTC