TT WSI meeting 2.12.2020 - wmo-im/WSI GitHub Wiki


Wednesday 2 December 2020 12h UTC


MS Teams

Attendees (Draft)

TT-WSI Members

  • Ioannis Mallas (Lead TT-WSI)
  • Benjamin Saclier (France)
  • Kai-Thorsten Wirt (Germany)
  • Jose Mauro de Rezende (Brazil)
  • Jan Osuski (HMEI)

Other invited experts

  • Büßelberg Thorsten (Chair ET-OM)
  • Jitsuko Hasegawa (Chair ET-Data)
  • Tanja Kleinert (Chair ET-WT)


  • Enrico Fucile
  • Luis Nunes
  • Timo Proescholdt
  • Anna Milan
  • Xiaoxia Chen

Agenda (Draft)

  1. Review of actions from previous meeting (
  2. Current situation on GTS
  3. How new stations shall exchange data on GTS
  4. How old stations shall exchange data on GTS


Actions from previous meeting have been reviewed:

  • TT-WSI-1-A1 Draft a list of issues on WSI data exchange (Enrico, Ioannis) (completed)
  • TT-WSI-1-A2 Review and comment the list (Team) (deadline 20-11-2020) (several comments from team members)
  • TT-WSI-1-A3 Resolve issue of the secondary key (Jose-Mauro, Timo) (no discussion on this action)

Enrico presented the wiki page on the WSI operational implementation and the list of issues proposed to the team. In particular the following issues have been discussed:

The current situation on GTS has been presented by Ioannis using the following table reporting which Countries are exchanging data with WSI on GTS.

Country Traditional ID WSI 301150
Brazil yes yes yes
Switzerland yes yes yes
Israel yes yes
Croatia yes yes
Montenegro yes yes yes
Bosnia - Herzegovina yes yes yes
Cyprus yes yes
Hungary yes yes

Ioannis presented the following file WSI data on GTS containing a list of the stations sending data with WSI on GTS. According to the analysis from ECMWF there are 450 stations sending synop data on GTS with the WSI. The team discussed the fact that this is a significant number of stations. It was highlighted that several NWP Centres are not ready to process data with WSI and that they may not be ready by 2022 as for the WIGOS Operational Plan.


  • TT-WSI-2-A1 Analyse WSI data on GTS to find out if there are any WSIs not registered on OSCAR and GTS headings not compliant with GTS Manual (Ioannis, Enrico, Timo)
  • TT-WSI-2-A2 Start drafting a survey for NWP Centres.

Next meeting

before Christmas holidays