Survey for NWP Centres - wmo-im/WSI GitHub Wiki

The survey will be focused on the preparedness of NWP Centres to process the data from stations that are already exchanging data with WSI on GTS. A list of those stations at today can be found here WSI_on_GTS.

Draft of the survey

Survey on the operational implementation of WIGOS Station Identifiers.docx

Focal Points


Here we explain what is TSI and WSI and some provisions around WSI.

Proposed questions

  1. In which of the following types of applications are you using surface observations in BUFR ?
  • NWP
  • nowcast
  • maps ?
  • database
  • other (specify)
  1. List your applications not able to process data with WSI and TSI from the following list ....
  2. In relation to those applications have you planned the required changes to be able to overcome the problem?
  3. When those applications will be ready to process data with WSI and TSI?
  4. List your applications not able to process data with WSI and without TSI from the following list ....
  5. In relation to those applications have you planned the required changes to be able to overcome the problem?
  6. When those applications will be ready to process data with WSI and without TSI?