Functions - wlsdn2316/1-tetris- GitHub Wiki
Print Title
initialize game.
map(main) reset (main_org[][] initialize)
map(copy) reset (main_org[][] initialize)
Print UI
Print Map
Create a new block.
Input key and process accordingly.
Drop block process.
There are two ways to check for collisions.
1. Crashes the specified coordinates
2. Crashes while rotating
If a line is full, remove a line and increase score.
If gain goal score , level up.
Determine if the game is over.
Game pause
Hide the cursor.
Reposition cursor.
Block move process
Receives and stores cursor information and returns a cursor object
Open and close the file.
Initialize the variables of reset().
Create the next block.
Setting the variables of new_block().
main_org : map // values are status.
main_cpy : mpa copy // values are status.
Only accessible as a function.
If input 'space' key, process it. Initialization part at game. Excute part at game. Display level up and speed up when leveling up Game Difficulty Control Line down one line if the block is full