Merge branch 'mod'
Conflicts #0 : Accoring to init.h changes
<v.0.1.0 -> v.0.1.1>
Error Report
Some of the code in init.needed to change for the cleancode.
After made the code cleaner, all the global variables to the local variables made the function.h crash.
Still we need to work on the function.h to change and work.
Merge branch 'add'
Conflicts #1 : new functions in function.h
<v.0.1.2 -> v.0.2.0>
Error Report
Add new functions( file_control() , init_reset() ,setCurInfo()) in function.h for the cleancode.
#23 ~ #79 ( add codes ) // Only defined and declared.
Merge branch 'add'
version updated
v.0.2.2 -> v.0.2.3
generateNextBlock() added
new_block(): replaced the 'for' statement to generateNextBlock()
pause(): replaced the 'for' statement to generateNextBlock()
local variables 'i' and 'y' in pause() deleted
The process works well after the version updated
Merge branch 'add'
version updated
v.0.2.2 -> v.0.3.0
generateNextBlock() added
new_block(): replaced the 'for' statement to generateNextBlock()
pause(): replaced the 'for' statement to generateNextBlock()
local variables 'i' and 'y' in pause() deleted
The process works well after the version updated
Merge branch 'add'
v.0.3.0 -> v.0.4.0
only add new function set_new_block().
It is only setting a Block_Info struct.
Merge branch 'add'
<v.0.8.1 -> v.0.9.0>
Only Add functions Init_Game(), Excute_Game().
Conflict parts is fixed.