Update CoreNLP NER - wkiri/MTE GitHub Wiki

Given a CoreNLP base directory of $CORENLP_HOME:

  • By default, it runs on port 9000
  • To check the log of the currently running service: tailf $CORENLP_HOME/nohup.out
  • To restart the server, kill the service and start: nohup corenlpserver.sh &

The NER model currently used is being specified in $CORENLP_HOME/StanfordCoreNLP.properties.

  • To change the model, update the value for ner.model property in the above properties file.

To get the output of this model when calling CoreNLP from the command line (via wget) or from Python (via pycorenlp), be sure to specify the language as "en":

wget --post-data "More recently a spherical and apparently hollow object, Winnipesaukee, was observed by ChemCam and Mastcam on sol 653."\
 'localhost:9000/?properties={"annotators":"pos,ner","outputFormat":"text"}&pipelineLanguage=en -O t.txt