features - wizzomafizzo/starcheat GitHub Wiki

You can see the latest changes in the commit log. If you have an idea for a new feature feel free to post it in the GitHub issues.

Current features

  • Editing basic player stats: name, description, game mode, pixels, species, gender, health and energy
  • Full inventory management: equipment slots, action bar, essentials bar, main/tile bags, cursor
  • Full editing of items and their parameters, multiplayer compatible
  • Managing player's appearance: colours, stance, hair, face
  • Managing known blueprints/recipes
  • Managing known and equipped techs
  • Browsing indexed item assets
  • Browsing indexed images
  • Full support for mods
  • Generating unique guns, swords and shields
  • Generating capture balls, saplings

And lots of other miscellaneous features.

Planned features

For a list of current planned features check out the github issues and look for blue "enhancement" tags.