Command Line API - wizardofhoms/risks GitHub Wiki


risks - Identity creation and management tool

  hush       Format or manage the hush partition mount points and read/write permissions
  backup     Create, manage, restore or use backup devices and partitions
  identity   Create, use and manage identities
  tomb       Create, use and manage tombs (stores)
  gpg        Manage GPG coffings, keys, passwords and settings
  ssh        Manage SSH-related credentials and settings
  list       Show currently open data stores
  slam       Close all active identities and unmount hush/backup partitions
  load       Copy some resource to a VM where to use it (completed)
  save       Move some data coming from another VM to a (tomb) directory
  kv         Manage the small key=value store used by other commands/functions
  config     Manage the risk global configuration
  resolve    Retrieve the encrypted names of identity files
  help       Show help about a command


risks hush - Format or manage the hush partition mount points and read/write permissions

  mount    Mount the hush drive
  rw       Set read-write permissions on the hush partition
  ro       Set read-only permissions on the hush partition
  umount   Unmount the hush drive
  format   Format a drive for storing identity secrets (GPG/coffin/age keys)
  status   Print the status of the hush device (mount points, etc)


risks backup - Create, manage, restore or use backup devices and partitions

  mount      Mount the backup partition/device
  umount     Unmount the current backup drive
  format     Format and setup a drive for as a risks backup medium
  identity   Backup the graveyard and the GPG coffin file for the current identity, active or specified.
  hush       Backup only the raw hush device image
  unlock     Unlock encryption on the backup of an identity
  lock       Lock encryption on the backup of an identity
  status     Print the status of the backup (mount points, locks, etc)


risks config - Manage the risks global configuration

  set     Set a configuration variable to a value
  get     Print the value of a configuration variable
  unset   Delete the value of a configuration variable
  list    List all configuration variables


risks identity - Create, use and manage identities

  create   Create a new GPG identity, with SSH/password-store/management and associated tombs
  open     Open an identity GPG keyring and builtin tomb stores (SSH/pass/mgmt)
  close    Close all open tombs and GPG keyring of the active identity
  delete   Delete an identity GPG keyring, tomb stores and backup
  backup   Backup identity graveyard and GPG coffin (alias for 'risks backup identity').


risks tomb - Create, use and manage tombs (stores)

  create   Create a new tomb
  open     Open an identity tomb
  close    Close an identity tomb
  delete   Delete an identity tomb, and optionally its backup


risks gpg - Manage GPG coffings, keys, passwords and settings

  generate   Generate a new GPG subkey and add it to the keyring
  open       Open the GPG keyring of an identity
  close      Close the active identity GPG keyring
  import     Import the GPG private key from the backup to the GPG keyring, in read-write mode
  remove     Remove the GPG private key from the keyring, and set the hush in read-only mode
  pass       Copy the identity GPG passphrase to the clipboard


risks slam - Close all active identities and unmount hush/backup partitions


risks kv - Manage the small key=value store used by other commands/functions

  risks kv [command]
  risks kv [command] --help | -h

  set     Set a variable to a value
  get     Get the value of a variable
  unset   Unset an existing variable
  list    List all key=value pairs in the store
  clean   Delete all key=value pairs in the store


risks list - Show currently open data stores

  risks list [RESOURCE]
  risks list --help | -h

    Datastore types to list (all if not provided)

  list coffins         # Lists open GPG coffins
  list tombs           # Lists open tombs


risks load - Copy some resource to a VM where to use it (completed)

  risks load RESOURCE DEST_VM [IDENTITY] [options]
  risks load --help | -h

  --close-tomb, -c
    Immediately close the tomb after sending the files

    Name of a tomb containing the data to be transfered. The tomb will be opened
    if needed

    Destination VM

    Identity owning the tomb (optional if an identity is active)


risks save - Move some data coming from another VM to a (tomb) directory

  risks save SOURCE_VM RESOURCE [IDENTITY] [options]
  risks save --help | -h

  --close-tomb, -c
    Immediately close the tomb after saving the files

    Source VM, which has an equivalent directory in ~/QubesIncoming/

    Name of a tomb containing the data to be transfered. The tomb will be opened
    if needed

    Identity owning the tomb (optional if an identity is active)


risks resolve - Retrieve the encrypted names of identity files

  coffin   Get the name of the gpg coffin for an identity
  tomb     Get the filename of a tomb file
  key      Get the filename of a tomb key