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Number = bAnd(Number A, Number B)

Performs bitwise AND against the two numbers (2 ops)

Number = bOr(Number A, Number B)

Performs bitwise OR against the two numbers (2 ops)

Number = bXor(Number A, Number B)

Performs bitwise XOR against the two numbers (2 ops)

Number = bShr(Number A, Number B)

Performs bitwise shift right on the first number by the amount of the second (2 ops)

Number = bShl(Number A, Number B)

Performs bitwise shift left on the first number by the amount of the second (2 ops)

Number = bNot(Number N)

Performs a binary Not (2 ops)

Number = bNot(Number N, Number Bits)

Performs a binary Not. The second argument is the length of the number you wish to perform Not on in bits (2 ops)