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If I had 200 Million in the bank then this project, my project, would already be up and running because I would go to a recruitment agency and say, "I am paying £80 per hour for people to work on my project" and they would likely have me a bunch of techies within days if not hours. As it happens I don't have 200 Million, or even any money at all, so getting a project started without using money the way that the system is can be quite a bit harder and even impossible. I've tried it,

"I am doing a new start up project are you interested mate?"
"How much are you paying?"
"Na mate, I've got kids to feed"

Never mind the collective good, in other words, my personal good comes first.

And so that is how projects can be killed using money when you are a financially disabled person. The system matrix plays the trick of making you conflate "profit" with "goodness", it can be, don't get me wrong, but, great profits are often made from great badness. More-so, helping the disabled might not make a profit, but, isn't that goodness? If we kill everything that doesn't make a profit we might be unwittingly killing a lot of goodness and making the world a hell and so, possibly, what I work on isn't orientated towards profit (I don't want to waste my brain cycles on a business plan) and so if I "need to make a profit to survive", I ain't going to survive. Also, I don't want to take money off someone that is then going to then dictate my artistic freedom to manipulate for profit (and programming is an art) so really I am stuck in a bind. The only way this project is going to get some impetus is through goodness of heart rather than being "greedy hearted" and that is why I am writing this here. Anyway, below is some more detail on what my idea for a project is using the software I have built:

Technology tends to organise itself into two distinct paradigms, centralised and decentraliised. In a centralised system, power or control is hoarded on a large scale and in a decentralised system power or control is distributed or empowered out to many small players.

Why does this matter. Well centralised or decentralised is relevant to the project that I have been implementing and refining for the past few years. The large social networks basically operate under a centralised paradigm where a monolithic organisation or business controls what is an isn't acceptable or relevant on the whole social network on an international basis. If you examine what the Agile Deployment Toolkit is intended to achieve its core aim is to provide a way of deploying social networks (or any other application type you can build with a CMS) rapidly and repeatedly using consistent practices to and by local communities. Crucially, these local social networks would be run by independent local people not a corporation thousands of miles away. You might therefore build a social network to the best of your ability using the Agile Deployment Toolkit and then if your town or city has say 15 postcode districts have local teams run an instantiation each of your social network for each postcode district. So, if you were in the SL postcode you would have one social network (or any other application type) for SL0, SL1, SL2, SL3, SL4, SL5, SL6 with a different team of local administrators (proficient in the ADT) and moderators running the social network for each postcode area or zone. This would make the people actually running the social network accessible and local. Also when you build your application you can make it with bespoke features specific to your local community which large social networks can't do because they have to operate on a "one size fits all" basis meaning that if you have some specific local need for your social network you can't ring up a corporate headquarters and say, "my community has a specific funky local need that no other local community has could you see your way to implementing it into your global solution social network". Of course they are not going to. I only built this with the specific aim of improving infrastructure provision for my local town and I have released it as open source so that there's no reason why you couldn't use it for your town too.

I have a lot of other ideas (won the hard way) about how locally sourced social networking applications can be built with specific features to aid the smooth functioning of local communities (particular for vulnerable and disabled members of the community). I'm not going to beat about the bush, the way the social order is, and my direct experience of it when I was weak, I don't see much of an organisational skeleton to it any more its kind of a very "seat of the pants" and frankly bewildering experience in a lot of cases when people need social support and I think well thought out social networking applications can provide a "skeleton to society" that makes social organisation a bit less "wild west" in how it is provisioned and having such a thing is something that I could really have done with at one time. You know what they say, sometimes when really shit things happen to you the only thing that motivates you from then on is trying to make sure that the same shit things don't happen to anybody else and for me, that is what this is, whether it succeeds or not most probably depends how much heart-share it stirs up in technical people.

And so in some convoluted way that is how I visualise my work fitting in with the social tussle which for me was about "hell or high water", relinquishing acquiescence to control titans. I can see that there is this rebalancing process going on between centralised and decentralised control and that centralisation is vampiring the street level of influence and hoarding it all for itself and I am not even talking about politically, I am talking generally. That's what I think is going on and stuff like the block-chain and so on are technologies which are based on social recalibration towards decentralisation rather than centralisation.

It is a bit of a hot potato because centralised control titans are used to "playing God" and from their point of view a lot of fury rises up if they see that their little game of playing God might be being taken away from them. What I am doing here is using what I know (a little about, I am not a Linux master, I know a little bit about Linux, I was on the way to becoming a Linux master but then my life got up ended and that prevented that reaching fruition) but nevertheless, I did have some rusty skills from more than a decade ago before I started working on this and what you see as this toolkit is what I have produced.