Doc: Traffic Data - wimlds/smart_cities GitHub Wiki

The NYS Department of Transportaion provides continous count and short count data for the state of NY. Continous count is collected from 177 stationary measurement devices spread throughtout the state, 24 hrs a day, 365 days a year; only 2 are located in NYC. Therefore, for this hackathon, we are providing short count data that measures 15 min sessions at approximately 8000 to 10000 locations. Data is collected from Monday 6am to Friday noon.

A list of short count (SC) file names is here. Short count data measures volume, speed and vehicle classification. The most interesting data for this hackathon is the volume data; speed data is not available for NYC (Region 11). The data provided is from the files SC_Volume_Data and SC_Volume_AVGWD and spans from 2010 to 2015. The years have been merged for SC_Volume_AVGWD; the years are available invididually for SC_Volume_Data.

An explanation of the field names is here.

A traffic report exists for each year that explains how the data were acquired. The reports are about 400 pages long. Happy reading!

Table Paths:

  • `smart_cities_data.traffic_sc_volume_avgwd_r11`
    • Shape: 9827 rows, 54 columns
  • `smart_cities_data.traffic_sc_volume_data_r11_2010`
    • Shape: 3364 rows, 122 columns
  • `smart_cities_data.traffic_sc_volume_data_r11_2011`
    • Shape: 12407 rows, 122 columns
  • `smart_cities_data.traffic_sc_volume_data_r11_2012`
    • Shape: 811 rows, 122 columns
  • `smart_cities_data.traffic_sc_volume_data_r11_2013`
    • Shape: 3887 rows, 122 columns
  • `smart_cities_data.traffic_sc_volume_data_r11_2014`
    • Shape: 3073 rows, 122 columns
  • `smart_cities_data.traffic_sc_volume_data_r11_2015`
    • Shape: 13181 rows, 122 columns