Doc: SPARCS - wimlds/smart_cities GitHub Wiki

SPARCS stands for "Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System". From it's data overview [PDF]:

SPARCS is a comprehensive data reporting system established in 1979 as a result of cooperation between the health care industry and government. Initially created to collect information on discharges from hospitals, SPARCS currently collects patient level detail on patient characteristics, diagnoses and treatments, services, and charges for every hospital discharge, ambulatory surgery, outpatient services and emergency department visit in New York State.

More information about the Clinical Classification Software (CCS) may be found here.

All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Groups and Major Diagnostics Category (APR-DRG and APR-MDC) information are here.

The Emergency Department Indicator is set based on the submitted revenue codes. If the record contained an emergency department revenue code of 045X, the indicator is set to Y, otherwise it will be N.

Table paths:

  • `smart_cities_data.sparcs_2013`
    • Shape: 2,426,516 rows, 39 colums
  • `smart_cities_data.sparcs_2014`
    • Shape: 2,365,208 rows, 39 colums

This PDF file has a more detailed data description.

Column Name Explanation
Health_Service_Area String
Hospital_County String
Operating_Certificate_Number String
Facility_Id Integer
Facility_Name String
Age_Group String
Zip_Code_3_digits String
Gender String
Race String
Ethnicity String
Length_of_Stay String
Admit_Day_of_Week String
Type_of_Admission String
Patient_Disposition String
Discharge_Year String
Discharge_Day_of_Week String
CCS_Diagnosis_Code String
CCS_Diagnosis_Description String
CCS_Procedure_Code String
CCS_Procedure_Description String
APR_DRG_Code String
APR_DRG_Description String
APR_MDC_Code String
APR_MDC_Description String
APR_Severity_of_Illness_Code String
APR_Severity_of_Illness_Description String
APR_Risk_of_Mortality String
APR_Medical_Surgical_Description String
Payment_Typology_1 String
Payment_Typology_2 String
Payment_Typology_3 String
Attending_Provider_License_Number String
Operating_Provider_License_Number String
Other_Provider_License_Number String
Birth_Weight String
Abortion_Edit_Indicator String
Emergency_Department_Indicator String
Total_Charges Float
Total_Costs Float
Table # records
sparcs_2013 2,418,874
sparcs_2014 2,365,208