Doc: MTA stations - wimlds/smart_cities GitHub Wiki

Location of MTA sation in NYC. Released by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, updated Oct 12 2015

Shape: 1,868 rows, 32 columns

Table path: `smart_cities_data.NYC_MTA_stations`

Column Name Explanation
Division String BMT=Brooklyn-Manhattan_Transit IND=Independent_Subway_System IRT=Interborough_Rapid_Transit
Line String
Station_Name String
Station_Latitude Float
Station_Longitude Float
Route1 String Subway line
Route2 String Subway line
Route3 String Subway line
Route4 String Subway line
Route5 String Subway line
Route6 String Subway line
Route7 String Subway line
Route8 String Subway line
Route9 String Subway line
Route10 String Subway line
Route11 String Subway line
Entrance_Type String
Entry BOOLEAN Exit/Entrance, only Entrance
Staffing BOOLEAN
Staff_Hours String
ADA BOOLEAN compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
ADA_Notes String compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act details
Free_Crossover String
North_South_Street String
East_West_Street String
Corner String
Entrance_Latitude Float (degrees)
Entrance_Longitude Float (degrees)
Station_Location String Lat-Long pair
Entrance_Location String Lat-Long pair