FAQ 常見問題 - wilsonlmh/fiveLoadSub GitHub Wiki
#FAQ 常見問題
##About video file:
What kind of video/audio file does fiveLoadSub support? fiveLoadSub支援甚麼格式的影片/音樂檔案格式?
Ans: Depends on your browser. Most browsers support modern web standard and MPEG standard codecs/formats. Including H.264, H.263 and MPEG-2 codec contained in mp4, m4v, mpg. And AAC(LC/HEv1), MP3, PCM contained in m4a, mp3 and wav. Information above is research from internet. Support for any formats in browsers will change over time. However, the information above was tested to be supported by fiveLoadSub.
答: 要視乎你的瀏覽器。大部份瀏覽器都支援常用的已納入Web及MPEG標準下之編碼及格式。包括H.264, H.263, MPEG-2編碼並包藏於mp4, m4v, mpg中。另外還有AAC(LC/HEv1), MP3, 及PCM包藏於m4a, mp3及wav中檔案中(AAC-HEv2的PS未必能解得開, 可能會被當作單聲道)。然而瀏覽器所支援的格式及編碼會隨時間推移而改變, 以上資訊只能代表已測試能用於fiveLoadSub。
Does MOV, AVI supported? 支援MOV和AVI嗎?
Ans: AVI and MOV is only a container. They can contain anything inside even a still image. Supporting depends on what kind of video/audio codec contained inside them. As the answer of last question, modern web standard and MPEG standard codec will probably supported. However, MOV maybe only supported by Safari because they both made by Apple. Also, AVI is a legacy format and doesn't really good enough for nowday usage. Maybe only MS Internet Explorer will support AVI but you may know fiveLoadSub doesn't support IE.
答: AVI和MOV僅是一個容器, 裏面可以裝入任何東西包括與影片無關的東西(如相片), 因此支援與否視乎這個容器內所包藏之編碼。如上題所述, 已納入Web及MPEG標準下之編碼有可能會被支援。然而也許只有同是蘋果設計的Safari才支援MOV。另外AVI是一種非常過時的格式, 並不適合現在使用。可能僅有微軟的Internet Explorer才能支援, 但你必需知道fiveLoadSub並不真正支援IE。
Why won't support RMVB/FLV/VOB/M2T/MTS etc.? 為甚麼不支援RMVB/FLV/VOB/M2T/MTS等格式?
Ans: fiveLoadSub is not design for subtitling a long movie / TV program. Instead, it face to producer/director/editor working in short movie, news, MV, documentary. For those users, they're hosting the project in NLE and they can export a low resolution proxy file for subtitling. And so they can choose any output format. For VOB, it's just part of DVD video. A typical DVD contain more than one part. You need to use some rip-software to export the stream. For M2T/MTS, subtitling a source file without any editing is meaningless. You may be wonderful result after edit. I also suggest you don't use those formats even you found your browser support. This is because no one can guarantee the time code will be correct. You may be in vain after hours.
答: fiveLoadSub並不是設計用於為長篇電影/電視劇集等上字幕, 反而是面向微電影、新聞、MV、紀錄片之制作人/導演/後期人員。他們手握的是剪接中的專案, 隨時可以輸出一個低解析度的代理檔案用作上字幕(為節省匯出時間), 因此你會想到格式可以自由選擇。對於VOB, 它是DVD的一個片段, 一段DVD都包含多個片段, 因此你需用要其他軟件把影片抽取出來。對於M2T/MTS, 我認為你在未剪接的源檔案上制作字幕並無意義, 試試作少許剪接, 也許你會馬上愛上。我亦建議即使你突然發現你的瀏覽器支援這幾種格式任何一樣也好, 都不要使用。因為無人能保證出來的時間碼會正確, 如你堅持使用可能會白白浪費幾個小時來上字幕但結果徒勞無功。
Can I use only audio? 可否僅用音樂檔案?
Ans: Yes in theory. Any supported audio codec in supported format may run correctly in fiveLoadSub. However, I personally suggest you to re-check the subtitle by overlaying it with video(in NLE or player). Because as a video editor(yes, I'm also), I sometimes found we cannot predict some issue on the screen when we only have the audio.
答: 理論上可以, 任何支援的格式內所包藏支援的音樂編碼都能在fiveLoadSub正常運作。然而我個人建議你在完成字幕後最好與影片一起播放檢查(無論在剪接軟件還是播放器)。因為(我)作為一個剪接人員, 有時會發現如果只聽聲音的情況下, 有可能會預計不到畫面上可能出現的小毛病。
File size limitation? 影音檔案大小有否限制?
Ans: Yes currently. And it's certainly depends on how many RAM you have in your computer. Here's a formula to calculate memory consumption: 11MB per minute per channel. For most media, stereo will be in use so it will turn to 22MB/minute. For a computer with less than 16GB memory, you may only utilize half of your memory as audio buffer(because your OS and browser and video also take place). If fiveLoadSub run out of physical memory, fiveLoadSub will crash instead crashing your system(some browser may not use VM/swap). For a future roadmap, I hope I can figure out how to reduce memory consumption to increase the capability of handling large files.
答: 暫時是有的, 而且故而然之是與你的電腦記憶體大小有關。以下是一個參考記憶體用量的計算公式: 11MB每聲道每分鐘。 對於大部份影音媒體來說都是立體聲, 所以正常都是22MB每分鐘。對於少於16GB記憶體的電腦來說, 你大概只能用到一半的記憶體作為聲音的暫存(你的作業系統、瀏覽器以及影片本身都佔一定空間)。如果fiveLoadSub不夠記憶體使用的話, 會直接崩潰而不會影響你的作業系統(有些瀏覽器並不會使用虛擬記憶體, 因此限制比較嚴格)。未來我希望能找到方法減用記憶體的使用, 從而有能力應付大型檔案
Subtitle/Text 字幕及文字
Why I got gibberish? 為甚麼文字都亂了碼?
Ans: Everything is UTF-8(Unicode) now. Including your OS and browser. If you have to due with something non-unicode, you can try to use the charset converter in Conversion Tools
答: 今時今日所有東西都是UTF-8(萬國碼)了, 包括你的作業系統和你的瀏覽器。如果你真有需要使用並些非萬國碼的東西, 你可嘗試轉換工具
Why not support ASS? 為甚麼不支援ASS?
Ans: ASS is a complex subtitle format include much more information than fiveLoadSub need, like text style, animation etc. Obviously it's not really popular for objective users of fiveLoadSub. So maybe I will add ASS support in very future but not a priority task.
答: ASS是一種複雜的字幕格式, 內包括許用fiveLoadSub用不著的資訊, 如文字格式、動畫等等。這明顯不會是fiveLoadSub目標用戶所十分流行的格式, 因此我可能將來會增加ASS的支援, 但不是當務之急。
Export/Save 匯出/儲存
, height
, and frame rate
means? 在匯出到Premiere/FCP7/FCPX時, 那些長度
When exporting Premiere/FCP7/FCPX, what does Ans: They represent the parameters of your project in Premiere/FCP7/FCPX. It DOES NOT has any relationship to the video playing in fiveLoadSub's player. As I said, you can export a low-res proxy for subtitling. fiveLoadSub never reads any properties from the video player. If you still confuse, try to think about this: you can mix different resolution/framerate clips in your video editor. And resolution/framerate of the result product, was defined in the editing project/sequence/timeline. The parameter you defined for your editing project/sequence/timeline is exactly what fiveLoadSub need.
答: 它們是指你在Premiere/FCP7/FCPX中專案的參數。請不要搞錯, 這些參數和在fiveLoadSub播放器播放的那影片毫無關系。上文有提到你可以匯出一個低解析度的代理用作上字幕, 因此fiveLoadSub永不會向播放器讀取相關資料。如果你仍然不完全解理, 你可以試想像, 不同解析度/影格率的影片可以放到同一個剪接軟件中混剪, 然而怎樣知道輸出來的成品解析度/影格率會是多少?當然是來自你的專案/序列/時間軸的設定。而fiveLoadSub所需要的, 就是專案/序列/時間軸上的設定。
Why use browser? 為甚麼要用瀏覽器?
Ans: Because browser almost installed in every computer. And all browser use HTML and Javascript. If I wrote an native app, you won't be able to use fiveLoadSub in OS X and Windows and even Linux easily.
答: 因為幾乎每部電腦都有安裝瀏覽器, 而所有瀏覽器都使用HTML和Javascript。如果我所開發的是一個原生軟件, 那麼許多用家可能難以在不同系統上使用。