idleevent.tcl - wilkowy/eggdrop-scripts GitHub Wiki

idleevent.tcl v1.1 (2019-04-23)

Monitors user idle and sends custom message.

Script requires wilk.tcl to be present in the same directory.

Custom flags:

  • idleevent - script is active only on channels with this flag (enable: .chanset #channel +idleevent, disable: .chanset #channel -idleevent)


  • idlers - you need to customize this to your own

    • idlers(#channel) - list of monitored handles and actions for given channel

    Format: idlers(#channel) [list [list handle idle message] ...]

    Additional info:

    • message can contain placeholders: #NICK#, #HAND#, #CHAN#, #IDLE# (in config), #USERIDLE# (real idle)
    • idle time is in minutes (0 - check disabled)
    • keep in mind that Eggdrop calculates idle in a different way and does not take the value from /whois, only selected user actions like join/part/message reset idle
    • use lowercase channel name

    Example: set idlers(#mychannel) [list [list "handle1" 60 "Hey #NICK# - don't idle!"] [list "handle2" 120 "#NICK# wake up!"]]

  • cron - monitoring intervals in cron format (default: "*/30 14-23" - every 30 minutes between 14-23)