allbans.tcl - wilkowy/eggdrop-scripts GitHub Wiki

allbans.tcl v1.0 (2022-06-17)

Extended version of .bans command to list all bans. Appends information if ban is permanent, used and when, global, sticky, active on channel, etc.

Script requires wilk.tcl to be present in the same directory.

Partyline commands:

  • .allbans - list all bans, global and from every channel
  • .allbans b - brief listing (flags: P - permanent ban, p - semipermanent ban, S - sticky, U - not yet used, A - active on chan, G - also global)
  • .allbans c - display reasons/comments (takes screen space, normally skipped)
  • .allbans e - list +e (exempts) entries instead
  • .allbans i - list +I (invex) entries instead


  • softperm - bans with expiration time longer than this value are marked as almost permanent (default: 6 months)