Joints - wikid24/ffxiv_mmd_tools_helper GitHub Wiki
Visibility Shortcuts
Shortcuts to the MMD Tools show/hide joint, and show/hide joint name respectively.
Active Joint / Rigid 1 / Rigid 2
When a joint is selected, will show the joint name, as well as its two associated rigid bodies. Clicking on the rigid body name will select it.
Joint Select Controls
Get Joints from Rigid Bodies
When there are multiple rigid bodies selected, will scan the armature for all the associated joints that are connecting them and select the joints.
Vertical Select
When there are multiple joints selected, will scan for any rigid bodies that are connected in a rigid body bone chain (see explanation) (meaning they are vertically connected) and filter the selection to ONLY these joints.
Horizontal Select
When there are multiple joints selected, will scan for any rigid bodies that are NOT connected in a rigid body bone chain (see explanation) (meaning they are horizontally connected) and filter the selection to ONLY these joints.
Joint Transform Controls
Used to apply bulk changes to multiple selected joints. By default, all of the fields will be populated with the currently active joint.
To apply changes, input a value to one of the properties, select the checkbox next to it and press 'OK'
Joint Create
From Selected Rigid Bodies
Will create joints in bulk when there are 2 or more selected rigid bodies selected. **BUG: Currently only creates multiple joints when they are connected in a rigid body bone chain (meaning, it is a vertical joint). ** This is a MMD Tools bug.
Create Vertical Joints
Create joints in bulk where there are multiple rigid body bone chains (see explanation selected, with only joints being created between rigid bodies that have a bone parent & child relationship, with the option to create a joint for each bone chain's highest parent to a common rigid body that is shared between tham (such as selecting all the hair rigid bodies and pinning the highest rigid body in each bone chain to the "head" rigid body)
Please be aware that this means that ONLY joints will be created between a rigid body bone's parents and children, meaning that there will be NO joints created between two separate bone chains. To create joints in bulk where there is no bone parent/child relationship refer to the Create Horizontal Joints section below.
Sample video:
Create Horizontal Joints
Create joints in bulk where there are multiple rigid body bone chains selected, however there is no hierarchal parent/child relationship between the bones. To do this, all rigid bodies need to share a 1) a common name AND and two numbers in the same position.
Example rigid body name: skirt_0_1
- common name pattern shared on all rigid bodies: skirt_
- first number: 0
- second number 1
The search criteria (starts w/, contains, ends w/) will specify the scope of rigid bodies that need horizontal joints, will need to use the common name pattern to do so upon pressing 'find'.
Upon pressing 'Find', the search results will:
- Show ALL rigid bodies that contain that common name pattern-- this becomes the scope of rigid bodies that will create horizontal joints for
- Show (at minimum) two numbers that will indicate if eveything that shares that same number is a 'horizontal' rigid body chain. The two numbers provided will be based on a rigid body within the search scope at random
Upon selecting one of the two (or more) numbers, a box will be displayed with a **<--previous ** and next --> button on it:
These two arrows will be used to iterate through all the rigid bodies in the search scope that share that same number's position in the rigid body name. This is for testing if the correct number position is selected (either the first number or second number in this example.
'Connect ending and starting rigid body' checkbox is to determine if the starting rigid body is supposed to have a joint to the ending rigid body. If unchecked, no joint will be created between them. This is useful if the selected rigid bodies are supposed to form a full circle horizontally, or not.
Upon pressing 'OK' the horizontal joints will be created.
Sample video: