Export .fbx from Textools using Anamnesis - wikid24/ffxiv_mmd_tools_helper GitHub Wiki
In addition to having this plugin (FFXIV MMD Tools Helper) installed and running in Blender, you need:
- Anamnesis installed and running
- FFXIV TexTools installed and running
- FFXIV installed and running
In Anamnesis, export a .chara file by going to 'Export' -> 'Save with Metadata' (usually stored in your
folder) -
In Blender using FFXIV MMD Helper addon, press the 'Read .chara file' button and open the .chara file you just created
It will read the .chara file and output the details in the System Console (to view it, go to Blender's "Window" -> "Toggle System Console")
Go to TexTools ("Options" -> "Customize") and copy/paste the color data from the Blender System Console into each box
If your character is Au Ra or Hyur Highlander, set the tribe for your Skin Race, otherwise leave it on Hyur Midlander. Also set the Default Race.
Now it's time to build your model in TexTools. Copy/Paste the model name from Blender System Console to the TexTools seach textbox and choose 'By Set'. A list of models matching that text you just pasted in will show up. Pick 'Add to FMV' to add this body part/equipment/accessory to the FMV window.
For face/hair/tail there should only be one option selected:
For equipment and accessories, it's almost the same as above but there is more steps involved as you need to pick the model that is designed for your character's race/gender:
If your character's race/gender is not directly selectable, choose one that is the closest associated race/gender (for example on most torsos, the female human torso is the same as the female miqote/au-ra torso since they all use the same model) and select 'Add to FMV'. Repeat this as many times as necessary until you have a FULL character model (hair/head/torso/legs/arms/tail/etc...).
When you're sure that you've gotten everything for your character added to the FMV window, select 'Export'. Name the model whatever you want and press save. You're all done!
By default, .fbx file will be saved in your stored in your
folderAfter you're finished with this, you can import your .fbx file into Blender using the steps in the next guide.