Apply Mektools Rig to FFXIV Model - wikid24/ffxiv_mmd_tools_helper GitHub Wiki
So you [imported and rigged your FFXIV character successfully] but you wanna start manually animating your character in blender easily? Not a problem, just apply a MekTools rig! What is a MekTools rig?
Simple answer: It's an easy way to manually grab these body parts in blender that pulls all of the connected bones together
Longer answer: It's a layer of controls (in the form of small geometric lines in blender) that sits on-top of the pre-existing bone structure. The MekTools rig has Forward Kinematics & Inverse Kinematics already applied, so that when you move the controls, it hijack's the model's bone's vertex groups so that you don't need to animate each bone one by one.
In addition to having this plugin (FFXIV MMD Tools Helper) installed and running in Blender, you also need:
- MekTools installed and running (currently I only recommend version 0.35 since it's compatible with Blender V3.x.x, until I've finished updating my addon's code to Blender 4.x.x)
How to use
- Import your .fbx file (or use the included sample files)
- Under Miscellaneous Tools section, press 'Add MekTools Rig'
That's it. You're done :)