RSSI Signal Strength column for dump1090 fa webinterface - wiedehopf/adsb-scripts GitHub Wiki

Normally when the map is displayed the RSSI column in the table on the right is hidden. If only the table is displayed then the RSSI is shown. We can change that so that RSSI is always shown by executing following command:

sudo sed -iE -e 's/showColumn(infoTable, "#rssi"/\/\/showColumn(infoTable, "#rssi"/g' /usr/share/dump1090-fa/html/script.js

And to revert that change:

sudo sed -iE -e 's/\/*showColumn(infoTable, "#rssi"/showColumn(infoTable, "#rssi"/g' /usr/share/dump1090-fa/html/script.js 

If you are more comfortable doing it via an editor:

# Find the following line (Line 1573 in 3.6.3)
showColumn(infoTable, "#rssi", !mapIsVisible);
# Add // in the front to always show RSSI column
//showColumn(infoTable, "#rssi", !mapIsVisible);