Routes & Components - whitnessme/crypt-seeker GitHub Wiki


1. Landing Page '/' <Landing />

  • Welcome message
  • Large Photo
  • Search bar (later implementation)
  • redirect '/haunts' here
  • Scroll to see list of haunts
    • <Haunt List />

2. Haunt Page '/haunts/hauntId' <Haunt />

  • Photos horizontal view
    • <HauntPhotos />
  • Name and information on left column (transforms to mini sticky on scroll)
    • <HauntInfo />
      • <HauntTitleBar />
      • <HauntSummary />
  • Price and date select right column (sticky)
  • Scroll down for Area, Essentials, Amenities sections
    • within <HauntInfo />
      • <HauntFeatures />

3. User Trips '/users/:userId/trips'

  • User information on left column
    • <UserInfo />
  • Number of trips
    • Upcoming trips
      • <Trip />
    • Past trips
      • <Trip />
  • Saves (later implementation)

4. Host Profile '/hosts/:userId/listings'

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️