MVP Feature List - whitnessme/crypt-seeker GitHub Wiki

MVP Feature List

1. Haunts

  • Logged in host users can:

    • Create a haunt listing
    • See their haunt page
    • Update their haunts information (price, summary, features)
    • Delete haunt listings
  • Logged in regular users can:

    • See a haunt's photos and information
    • Click a button to start booking process

2. Bookings

  • Logged in host users can:

    • Create a new booking by accepting booking requests
    • See their bookings listed at '/host/userId/bookings'
    • Edit the dates if user requests
    • Remove a booking
  • Logged in regular users can:

    • Request a new booking for certain dates
    • See their requests and bookings at '/users/userId/bookings'
    • Request date changes
    • Cancel a booking