User Manual for version 2 - weria-pezeshkian/FreeDTS GitHub Wiki
FreeDTS - Version 2 Manual
Development of this version commenced in March 2024. The structure of the code differs significantly from Version 1, enabling easier extension and maintenance of the software.
Latest updated
Version 2 of FreeDTS introduces several enhancements and structural improvements over its predecessor. These changes facilitate a more streamlined development process and ensure greater flexibility for future updates. The core features of FreeDTS Version 2 include:
- Enhanced Algorithm Diversity: Includes algorithms for treating surfaces with open edges, dynamic topology changes, and IMPORTANTLY surfaces with multiple layers of vector fields.
- User-Friendly Customization: Users can easily create customized versions tailored to their specific needs and applications.
- Improved Performance: Significant improvements have boosted performance, and many (not all) features now is multithreaded using OpenMP.
- Flexible Energy and Curvature Calculation: Methods for calculating energy and curvature can be expanded without extensive modifications.
- Compiling and installing FreeDTS
- How to start a simulation with FreeDTS
- Command line options
- dts file and input parameters and options
- Topology file
- Index file
- Generate script
- Convert script
Compiling The Source Code
The second version requires the C++11 library and can be compiled with or without OpenMP support. Additionally, MPI parallelization is available for parallel tempering. To compile the FreeDTS source code, simply run the
This will generate three binary files: DTS
, CNV,
and GEN
is for running simulations.GEN
is for generating triangulated files (TS).CNV
is for converting different file formats.
Running a Simulation
To run a simulation, you need an input file and a topology file. The input file can be empty, allowing the software to use default settings for the simulation. However, the topology file must define a valid triangulated structure. This structure can be generated using the GEN script or obtained from other software tools. The topology can either consist of multiple .q
files listed in a .top
file, or a single file. For details on the structure and format of these files, refer to the Topology File
section. A simplest command line to start a simulation must be as:
$PATH/DTS -in input.dts -top
Command line options
With $PATH/DTS --help
or $PATH/DTS -h
all the command line options can be seen
Identifier | Type | Default value | Description |
-in | string | Input.dts | input file name |
-top | string | | Topology file name |
-b | int | 1 | initial time step |
-e | int | 100 | final time step |
-seed | int | 36723 | Random number seed |
-defout | string | output | A general string for label a specific run |
-ndx | string | Index.inx | Index file name |
-restart | string | NO | restart file name |
-nt | int | 1/all | number of the threads to be used for OpenMP (all when compiling with openmp). |
dts file and input parameters and options
The input file must have a .dts
extension. Below are the most common options specified in this file, though it may also contain additional details such as inclusions and their interactions. Additional options are explained in their respective sections.
Integrator Type
This will define which kind of integration scheme should be used.
Integrator_Type = MC_Simulation
Default integrator MC_Simulation
Standard simulation input parameters
Simulation steps
; Set_Steps = initial_step final_step
Set_Steps = 1 5000
In the Temperature section, the parameters 'β' and 'Δβ' are defined. A higher value of 'β' corresponds to a lower temperature. The parameter 'Δβ' introduces a constant shift, altering the acceptance probability of metropolis algorithm by a fixed amount. This shift drives the simulation out of equilibrium, i.e., $P_{acc} = exp(β\Delta E + Δβ)$
;Temperature = β Δβ
Temperature = 1 0
Each vertex in the membrane model represents either a surface element (if the vertex is part of the surface) or a curve element (if the vertex lies on an open edge of the triangulated surface). In version 2, the surface no longer needs to be closed. Algorithms are also provided to convert surface vertices to edge vertices as needed.
For each vertex, specific mechanical parameters must be defined:
Kappa: Defines the bending rigidity, Gaussian modulus, and spontaneous curvature.
;Kappa = κ κ_G C̄₀
Kappa = 20 0 0
Edge_Parameter: Sets parameters for line tension, geodesic curvature, and normal curvature constants.
Edge_Parameters = 0 0 0
VertexArea: Couples each vertex to a stretching energy and requires four values: the first two apply to surface vertices ($e_{s} = \frac{k_a}{2}(a_\nu - a_0)^2$), while the second two apply to edge vertices ($e_{s} = \frac{k_e}{2}(l_\nu - l_0)^2$). Where $a_0 = (1+2a)\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}$ and $l_0 = \sqrt{1+2b}$
;VertexArea = ka a kl b
VertexArea = 0 0 0 0
Frequency of centering the mesh inside the box
Box_Centering_F = 0
Mesh constraint during simulations: It is recommended to use these values (they are also the default) unless different settings are needed for a specific purpose.
;Min_Max_Lenghts = a_min^2 a_max^2
Min_Max_Lenghts = 1 3
;MinfaceAngle = min_angle
MinfaceAngle = -0.5
Vertex Position Update Schemes
Initialising and defining an algorithm for updating vertex positions. Note that in FreeDTS, there are two types of vertices: those on the surface of the triangulated structure and those on the edges.
;VertexPositionIntegrator = MetropolisAlgorithm x y R
VertexPositionIntegrator = MetropolisAlgorithm 1 1 0.05
A serial algorithm that updates vertices using the Metropolis Algorithm. In each step,
represents the percentage of surface vertices to be updated,y
represents the percentage of edge vertices to be updated, andR
specifies the maximum displacement allowed for a vertex. This is the Default algorithm.
;VertexPositionIntegrator = MetropolisAlgorithmOpenMP x y R
VertexPositionIntegrator = MetropolisAlgorithmOpenMP 1 1 0.05
A Multithreading algorithm (using OpenMP) that updates vertices using the Metropolis Algorithm. In each step,
represents the percentage of surface vertices to be updated,y
represents the percentage of edge vertices to be updated, andR
specifies the maximum displacement allowed for a vertex. Note: Once the system energy is coupled to a global constraint, such as volume coupling or total area coupling, this algorithm should not be used.
Edge Flip (Alexander Move)
Initialising and defining an algorithm for edge flipping.
;AlexanderMove = MetropolisAlgorithm x
AlexanderMove = MetropolisAlgorithm 1
A serial algorithm that flip the edges using the Metropolis Algorithm. In each step,
represents the percentage of edges (links) to be attempted to flip. This is the Default algorithm.
;AlexanderMove = MetropolisAlgorithm x
AlexanderMove = MetropolisAlgorithmOpenMP 1
A Multithreading algorithm (using OpenMP) that flip the edges using the Metropolis Algorithm. In each step,
represents the percentage of edges (links) to be attempted to flip. This is the Default algorithm. Note: Once the system energy is coupled to a global constraint, such as volume coupling or total area coupling, this algorithm should not be used.
Inclusion Pose Updates
Initializing and defining an algorithm for inclusion (protein) pose, which includes both Kawasaki moves and changes in the orientation of inclusions.
;InclusionPoseIntegrator = MetropolisAlgorithm x y
InclusionPoseIntegrator = MetropolisAlgorithm 1 1
A serial algorithm that updates protein pose using the Metropolis Algorithm. In each step,
represents the percentage of inclusions attempting Kawasaki moves, whiley
represents the percentage of inclusions attempting orientation changes. This is the Default algorithm.
Box Size Update
In FreeDTS, by default, the simulation box remains constant. However, it can be coupled with dynamic box algorithms to capture various physical behaviors. These dynamic box algorithms are meaningful only when the triangulated surface is periodic in at least one direction.
Single thread isotropic coupling to a frame tension
;Dynamic_Box = IsotropicFrameTension tau tension XY
Dynamic_Box = IsotropicFrameTension 5 3 XY
Multithread isotropic coupling to a frame tension
;Dynamic_Box = IsotropicFrameTensionOpenMP tau tension XY
Dynamic_Box = IsotropicFrameTensionOpenMP 5 3 XY
Single thread anisotropic coupling to a frame tension
;Dynamic_Box = AnisotropicFrameTension tau f1 f2 f3 XY
Dynamic_Box = AnisotropicFrameTension 5 3 1 0 XY
A harmonic potential can be used to maintain the box size around a specific value while allowing it to fluctuate within the bounds of the potential.
;Dynamic_Box = HarmonicPotential tau K A0 XY
Dynamic_Box = HarmonicPotential 5 100 10000 XY
Coupling Global variables
volume coupling
- using polynomial potentials. The energy will be coupled to $$E_V=-ΔPV+K/2 (v-γ)^2$$ Where $v=V/V_0$ and $V_0=\sqrt{\frac{A^3}{6\sqrt{\pi}}}$
VolumeCoupling = SecondOrder delta_p K target_v
Osmotic pressure: Based on the Jacobus van 't Hoff equation $\Pi=icRT$ $$\Delta E(\Delta V) = -P_0 \left( V_0 \ln \left[1 + \frac{\Delta V}{V_0} \right] - \Delta V \right) $$
VolumeCoupling = OsmoticPressure gamma P0
total area coupling:
The system energy will be coupled to a function as below: $$E_A= \frac{K}{2} \times N_{T}\times (\frac{A}{A_0}-1)^2$$
$$A_0=N_T (1+2\gamma) \sqrt{\frac{3}{4}}$$
TotalAreaCoupling = HarmonicPotential K gamma
global curvature coupling:
This will couple the system energy to a function as $$E_s= \frac{k_r}{2A}(M-m_0 A)^2$$
GlobalCurvatureCoupling = HarmonicPotential K C_g0
Force between two groups
A harmonic potential will be inserted on two groups. Each group consist of a list of vertices that it should be defined in an index file.
ConstraintBetweenGroups = HarmonicPotentialBetweenTwoGroups 100 10 G1 G2 0 0 1
External Field On Vector Fields
ExternalFieldOnVectorFields = ConstantFieldOnVectorFields 20 1 0 0 20 1 1 0
Boundary conditions
FreeDTS also allows the simulation of membranes in confined spaces, where part of the space is excluded. Four types of confined spaces are defined in FreeDTS, such as TwoFlatParallelWall. To apply one of these confinement types, one of the commands below must be added to the input file.
;Boundary = TwoFlatParallelWall thickness direction
Boundary = TwoFlatParallelWall 2 Z
;Boundary = EllipsoidalShell thickness R a b c
Boundary = EllipsoidalShell 2 10 1 1 1
;Boundary = EllipsoidalCore R a b c
Boundary = EllipsoidalCore 10 1 1 1
Output management
VisualizationFormat = VTUFileFormat VTU_F 100
NonbinaryTrajectory = TSI TrajTSI 100
Surface Boundary Edge Update
OpenEdgeEvolution = EvolutionWithConstantVertex 1 1
Dynamic Topology
DynamicTopology = Three_Edge_Scission 1
Energy Calculation method
EnergyMethod = FreeDTS1.0_FF
Additional forces
VectorFieldsForceOnVertex = Constant_NematicForce 2 2
Additional forces
BondedPotentialBetweenVertices = HarmonicBondsList filename
Substrate Adhesion
;VertexAdhesionToSubstrate = SphericalSubstrate epsilon R CX CY CZ
VertexAdhesionToSubstrate = SphericalSubstrate 3 10 5 5 20
Non equilibrium Commands
Nonequilibrium Commands are small functions in FreeDTS that accept inputs, and changing specific simulation parameters. Users can include as many Nonequilibrium Commands as desired. Currently, FreeDTS has the following list of commands. Each command receives an integer (indicating the frequency, in steps, at which the command is executed) and a value representing the rate of the change. Please note, developing a new Nonequilibrium command is rather easy and straight forward.
- Changing Temperature, in principle Beta (1/kT)
NonequilibriumCommands ChangeTemperatureConstantRate 100 0.1
- Changing the equilibrium distance of the Harmonic Potential that is defined between two groups.
Note, only valid if the
is applied (see above).
NonequilibriumCommands IncrementHarmonicPotentialBetweenTwoGroups 100 0.1
- Changing the targeted volume in
algorithm for volume coupling. Note, only valid if theSecondOrder
is applied (see above).
NonequilibriumCommands IncrementVolumeCouplingSecondOrder 100 0.1
- Changing the radius of the corresponding rigid wall (see above).
NonequilibriumCommands ExpandEllipsoidalCoreWall 100 0.1
- Changing the thickness of the corresponding rigid wall (see above).
NonequilibriumCommands ThinningEllipsoidalShell 100 0.1
- Changing the substrate position.
NonequilibriumCommands IncrementSphericalSubstrateCenter 100 0.1 0 0 1
Inclusion (proteins and vector fields)
Define 2 Inclusions
SRotation Type K KG KP KL C0 C0P C0L
1 Pro1 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
2 Pro2 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Generating inclusions
Selection_Type Random
TypeID 2
Density 0.1
Inclusion Inclusion Interactions
1 1 1 2 0 -10
Topology File Overview
The topology file provides information about the positions of all vertices and how they are linked. There are two types of files that you can provide as a topology file: top and tsi file formats.
top File
Extension: .top
Description: Contains a list of TS files in the q
(see below for its format) format.
Advantages: Allows multiple TS files to be fed into the system.
Disadvantages: Does not include inclusions information.
tsi File
Extension: .tsi
Description: A single file that represents a single frame of FreeDTS trajectories.
Advantages: Includes inclusions information.
TS File Formats
TS Files
Triangulated surface files that can be read by FreeDTS can be in either the q format or the tsi format. The Generate script can create files in both formats (see the Generate script section).
tsi Format Files
The following shows a part of a .tsi file with all necessary keywords highlighted in bold. Each .tsi file starts with a line specifying version 1.1. The next line defines the box size (x, y, and z) of the system in nm. The subsequent three sections describe the TS mesh. Each section starts with a keyword (vertex, triangle, and inclusion) and their corresponding count.
- Vertices: The file includes 130 vertices, each with an index and a position in x, y, and z.
- Triangles: The 130 vertices are connected via 256 triangles. Each triangle has an index and is defined by the vertices it connects. For example, triangle 0 connects vertices 11, 55, and 43.
- vector_fields
- Inclusions: A .tsi file can include a section for (protein) inclusions. In this example, there are three inclusions of two different types. Each inclusion has an index followed by the inclusion type (type 1 for inclusions 0 and 1, type 2 for inclusion 2) and the corresponding vertex index. The last two floating point numbers describe a unit two-dimensional vector (the sum of both numbers must be one) defining the orientation of the inclusion with respect to the bilayer normal. The Generate script can produce these files, ensuring compatibility and ease of use within the FreeDTS system.
version 1.1
box 50.0000000000 50.0000000000 50.0000000000
vertex 130
0 21.1606233083 25.4394806652 25.5960855271
1 27.0284995400 23.2012757654 21.6715285158
2 26.9921761232 25.5136587223 28.0195776981
3 23.3273229896 26.2315165676 28.0075875808
4 26.2722773116 26.3271061222 28.1420707299
5 22.0396876425 23.6080597437 26.8858740866
125 21.5556280860 25.5595098219 26.5363425272
126 23.2182025326 26.8060871266 21.5195141902
127 25.3199303865 24.3519379911 20.6752314764
128 28.0093200458 22.6356946990 23.4685318698
129 21.4000741257 26.5841316766 25.2761757772
triangle 256
0 11 55 43
1 94 75 14
2 64 3 91
3 59 52 40
253 33 109 44
254 53 69 47
255 85 6 74
inclusion 3
0 1 22 0 1
1 1 5 0 1
2 2 30 0 1
Format Files
The .q
format files are another way to represent triangulated surfaces in FreeDTS. Below is a detailed description of the .q
format structure:
- Line 1: Box information (3 double numbers).
- Line 2: Number of vertices (1 integer number; let’s call it NV).
- Lines 3 to NV+2: Vertex ID and coordinates (1 integer number and 3 double numbers per line).
- Line NV+3: Number of triangles (1 integer number; let’s call it NT).
- Lines NV+4 to NV+NT+3: Triangle ID and IDs of its vertices (4 integer numbers per line).
50.0000000000 50.0000000000 50.0000000000
0 21.1606233083 25.4394806652 25.5960855271
1 27.0284995400 23.2012757654 21.6715285158
2 26.9921761232 25.5136587223 28.0195776981
3 23.3273229896 26.2315165676 28.0075875808
4 26.2722773116 26.3271061222 28.1420707299
5 22.0396876425 23.6080597437 26.8858740866
125 21.5556280860 25.5595098219 26.5363425272
126 23.2182025326 26.8060871266 21.5195141902
127 25.3199303865 24.3519379911 20.6752314764
128 28.0093200458 22.6356946990 23.4685318698
129 21.4000741257 26.5841316766 25.2761757772
0 11 55 43
1 94 75 14
2 64 3 91
3 59 52 40
253 33 109 44
254 53 69 47
Index file
An example of index file as follows.
Group1 1
Group2 1967
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
The first string is the group name and the second is number of the vertices within the group.
Generate Script
Generate (GEN) bindery allows you to create triangulated surface files with different topologies in two different file formats, q
or tsi
. Three options exist, flat bilayer periodic in x and y directions, cylinder periodic in the x-direction and a closed sphere. To see all the options, execute $path/GEN -h
Some example:
To generate flat bilayers
$path/GEN -box 50 50 30 -type flat -o topol.q
Generating closed membranes
$PATH/GEN -box 50 50 50 -type tetrahedron -N 20 -o topol.q
Convert Script
The convert (CNV) bindery allows for converting tsi
and q
files to each other and several other different file format such as vtu
and gro
. To see all the options, execute $path/GEN -h