Tutorials with version 2 (2025) - weria-pezeshkian/FreeDTS GitHub Wiki

Tutorials with version 2 (2025)

Integrator_Type = MC_Simulation
 Min_Max_Lenghts = 1 3
 MinfaceAngle = -0.5
 Temperature = 1 0
 Box_Centering_F = 0
 Set_Steps = 1 2000000
 EnergyMethod = FreeDTS1.0_FF
 Kappa = 20 0 0
 Edge_Parameters = 10 0 0
VertexArea = 0 0 0 0
TimeSeriesData_Period = 100
VertexPositionIntegrator = MetropolisAlgorithm 1 1 0.04
AlexanderMove = MetropolisAlgorithm 1
InclusionPoseIntegrator = MetropolisAlgorithm   1 1
;GlobalCurvatureCoupling = HarmonicPotential 60 0.3
TotalAreaCoupling = HarmonicPotential 0 0.5
Dynamic_Box = IsotropicFrameTension  1 2 XY
ConstraintBetweenGroups = HarmonicPotentialBetweenTwoGroups 100 100 Group2 Group1 0 0 1
VisualizationFormat = VTUFileFormat VTU_F 10000
NonbinaryTrajectory = TSI TrajTSI 10000
Restart_Period = 2000