Special texture file types - webbukkit/dynmap GitHub Wiki

Besides the default format (a grid of xcount by ycount textures), a number of other special texture file formats are supported by Dynmap. The currently defined types include the following:

  • GRID - this is the default format, corresponding to an array of square textures <xcount> wide and <ycount> high. Each texture needs to be an even power of 2 pixels across. The index of the textures is ordered from the top left (index=0) moving to the right across the first row (ending with index=<xcount>-1), before advancing to the left edge of the next row (index=<xcount>), and so forth.

  • CHEST - this is the format corresponding to the texture layout for small chests. The index values are:

    • 0 : Chest top
    • 1 : Chest left side
    • 2 : Chest right side
    • 3 : Chest front side
    • 4 : Chest back side
    • 5 : Chest bottom
  • BIGCHEST - this is the format corresponding to the texture layout for large chests. The index values are:

    • 0 : Chest top - left side
    • 1 : Chest top - right side
    • 2 : Chest front - left side
    • 3 : Chest front - right side
    • 4 : Chest left side
    • 5 : Chest right side
    • 6 : Chest back - left side
    • 7 : Chest back - right side
    • 8 : Chest bottom - left side
    • 9 : Chest bottom - right side
  • SIGN - this is the format corresponding to the texture layout for signposts. The index values are:

    • 0 : Sign front side
    • 1 : Sign back side
    • 2 : Sign top
    • 3 : Sign bottom
    • 4 : Sign left side
    • 5 : Sign right side
    • 6 : Post front side
    • 7 : Post back side
    • 8 : Post left side
    • 9 : Post right side
  • SKIN - this is the format corresponding to the texture for a player (or other human shaped skin). The index values are:

    • 0 : Face front side
    • 1 : Face left side
    • 2 : Face right side
    • 3 : Face back side
    • 4 : Face top
    • 5 : Face bottom
  • CUSTOM - this is the more flexible format, allowing extraction of arbitrary rectangular textures as indexed textures. The <xcount> and <ycount> values are used to detect the scale of the texture image (working on the assumption that the nominal size of the texture is 16 * <xcount> by 16 * <ycount> pixels). The attributes of the 'texturefile:' definition need to include one 'tile<N>=" attribute for each texture index (where N = 0, 1, 2, etc). The value of the field corresponds to:


or, optionally:



  • <source-offset-X> is the X coordinate of the top left corner of the texture within the texture file, in scaled pixels
  • <source-offset-Y> is the Y coordinate of the top left corner of the texture within the texture file, in scaled pixels
  • <dimension-X> is the horizontal texture within the texture file, in scaled pixels
  • <dimension-Y> is the vertical texture within the texture file, in scaled pixels
  • <dest-offset-X> is the X coordinate of the top left corner of the texture in the destination texture (default is 0), in scaled pixels
  • <dest-offset-Y> is the Y coordinate of the top left corner of the texture in the destination texture (default is 0), in scaled pixels
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