Defining a Cuboid Block - webbukkit/dynmap GitHub Wiki

A cuboid block is simply a simple, cubic block that has been clipped (truncated) on one or more of its axes. The result is a rectangular prism shape that otherwise has textures applied in the same way as a simple, solid block would have done.

To define a cuboid block, first add the "boxblock:" line to the Model Definition file. See Defining Cuboid Models for details. An example of this is the model definition for the Wooden Pressure Plate (which requires clipping of all three axes):


Next, the textures for the block are defined as they would be for a simple, solid block: simply use a "block:" line with texture references for each of the 6 standard faces. See Defining a Simple Block for details on this. The corresponding texture definition for the Wooden Pressure Plate example (above) is:


Note: Most blocks suitable for rendering as a cuboid block will require the transparency attribute to be set - to TRANSPARENT for blocks that don't block lighting to other blocks, or to SEMITRANSPARENT for blocks that do block light (like slabs or stair).