Boosting areas on Dynmap - webbukkit/dynmap GitHub Wiki

This guide explains the process of boosting certain areas on dynmap.

Step 1, Prepare map for boosting: to edit any mapdata, execute the command: /dynmap pause all

Set the boosting scalar on the map you want to boost using: /dmap mapset <worldname>:<mapname> boostzoom:<x> where x is 0 up to 3, each value multiplies the boosting value, so from 16ppb to 64ppb you have to set boostzoom to 2.

Step 2, Add boosting area: Define the first corner of the area you want to be boosted using: /dmarker addcorner <x> <y> <z> <world> Define the second corner of the area you want to be boosted using /dmarker addcorner <x> <y> <z> To add the marker do: /dmarker addarea <Name> boost:true

Two opposing corners are enough for a rectangle, but for a polygon you will have to add each corner yourself. To boost a circular area, you can do /dmarker addcircle <Markername> radius:<r> world:<world> x:<x> y:<y> z:<z> boost:true

After you verified the areas are the ones you want you can hide them by setting their fillopacity and opacity to transparent by using: /dmarker updatearea markerId fillopacity:0.0 opacity:0.0

The markerId is found by using /dmarker listareas and finding the relevant id.

Step 3, Resume map rendering: Execute the command: /dynmap pause none

Step 4, Render the boost area: you have two options, either do a /dynmap fullrender <worldname>:<mapname>, or do a /dynmap radiusrender <worldname> <x> <z> <radius>

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