wifi - weakish/cheat GitHub Wiki
= Use WPA2/AES.+
- Use reliable products, e.g. OpenWrt compatible ones.
- Use strong password for wireless route adimn.
- Avoid use model name in SSID. (Helps on model specific attacks.)
- AP isolation.*
- Consider turn off broadcasting SSID.
- Consider turn on white list Mac addresses.
* Every member of a network can listen to other members' traffic. (whether it's an unencrypted public hot-spot, or a WEP/WPA/WPA2, or LAN). Use SSL/TLS protocols (https, imaps...) or VPN to preserve your privacy.
+ WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is so insecure that it is basically equivalent to not using any encryption at all. WPA 1 is deprecated. Use WPA2 instead. (WPA stands for Wi-Fi Protected Access.) Make sure you use strong pass-phrase.