render - wattzhikang/terrainHydrology GitHub Wiki

This subcommand will create a digital elevation model based on a terrain model. This DEM is saved as a GeoTIFF. Incidentally, a color terrain image is also generated, mostly for debugging purposes.

Switch Notes
-i --input The file that contains the terrain model you wish to render
-ro --output-resolution This is the number of pixels or samples on each side of the output raster
--lat This is the center latitude of the output GeoTIFF
--lon This is the center longitude of the output GeoTIFF
--num-procs The number of processes to create. In most cases, this should be the number of cores you have available. The default is 4 because it's pretty common for computers to have 4 cores. This is optional. It just influences the speed at which the terrain is rendered.
-o The directory in which to dump the output files. Note that this is a directory, not a file name. Currently, it just names them out-geo.tif and out-color.png. This will be changed in future development.
--extreme-memory This is mostly for development purposes. This program is currently extremely inefficient, and this just uses a hack to try to overcome this. This switch will be removed in the future when improvements are made, such as #4.