export - wattzhikang/terrainHydrology GitHub Wiki

This command can export various aspects of a terrain model in a different format, mostly ESRI shapefiles.

This is a bit of a legacy command. It is recommended to use data directly from a terrain model database instead. But, especially for debugging purposes, this command is retained. It may be deprecated in the future, but there are currently no plans to do that.

These are the input switches:

Switch Notes
-i --input The file that contains the data model you wish to interpret
--lat This is the center latitude of the output shapefile
--lon This is the center longitude of the output shapefile

These are the output switches. These can be used in any combination. The presence of each one commands the program to create the corresponding shapefile.

Switch Information to export Shape type
--output-node -on River nodes 1 (Points)
--output-terrain -ot Terrain primitives 1 (Points)
--output-edges -oe Cell ridges. Note that this includes neither edges on the shore, nor downstream edges (edges that are transected by a river). 3 (Polyline)
--output-ridge-primitive -oq Ridge primitives. This includes cell vertices on the shore. 1 (Points)
--output-downstream-edge -ode Cell edges that are transected by rivers 3 (Polyline)
--output-rivers -or River paths 3 (Polyline)

Note: These are all for path and name of the output shapefile. Note that an ESRI shapefile is actually multiple files, so don't include any file extensions for these. (It wouldn't break anything, but it could be confusing to have a file named rivers.shp.shp). For example, if the name of the output is "rivers", 4 files will be created: rivers.shp, rivers.shx, rivers.dbf, and rivers.prj.