Key management in Wasabee - wasabee-project/Wasabee-IITC GitHub Wiki


Wasabee has the ability to help ensure you have the proper keys necessary to complete your operation. Agents are able to input the number of keys they have to specific portals. The counts are displayed in several different ways so you can see who has which keys, and if the total is enough.

Viewing/Updating Key Counts in Wasabee-IITC

To access the keys dialog, click on the second icon on the Wasabee toolbar, the one that is just three lines, and then click on the Keys subaction

There are several sections to the menu that pops up: Portal name, Required, On Hand, My Count, My Capsule ID

Portal name is the name of the portal The number of keys required is calculated by the number of inbound links to the portal The number in the On Hand field changes based on the number entered in to the My Count field The My Capsule ID is where you can enter the capsule your keys are stored in

If the words [Open Request] appear next to a portal name, that indicates there is a 'get keys' marker on that portal. IF that is the case, the portal name will be listed twice: once for the marker and once for non-marker functions. These lines are not independent and entering a count in the My Keys column or a number in the capsule ID column on one will cause the same information to show on the other. Open Request is simply an easy way for you to glance at the check list and see if someone needs to farm keys for a portal or not.

click on the 'On hand' number to get details

Viewing/Updating Key Counts in Wasabee-WebUI
